No sound from Overbridge V2 in Ableton Live

I have the exact same issue with my A4 (1.40B) and DT (1.11) - Ableton 10.1.13, Mac OS 10.15.4, OB 2.0.37.

I can connect to the elektron devices via the plug-in using Ableton and see changes being made to samples/sounds etc. However, there is no sound being output from either the A4 or DT plug-ins. Stand-alone apps are perfectly functional.

Just bought a Digitone, reinstalled Overbridge in the hope it would fix my problems and to download the Digitone VST, but I’m experiencing the exact same issues with both VST’s…

And yep, standalone still works…

Hi all,

I figured out what was wrong, I had my buffer size in Ableton set to a sample size of 2048, reducing my sample size to 512 returns my audio. I remember that I would receive a error message in the bottom left of my Digitakt VST but haven’t seen it for my Rytm/Digitone.

Hope this solves your problem as well @mike.ardagh @VanillaSun @klens_music


That solved it for me too! Thanks @fabiant


Solved for me too. Thanks!


Sorry for resurecting an old thread, but you just saved my sanity ;))) made a live set on my desktop - moved to a laptop and no sound from Overbridge plugin. And the reason was as simple as buffer size setting. I was going mental :)))))

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THANK YOU! Was having the same issue as everyone here and this was totally the solution.

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Thank you so much for the info with the buffer size, I was struggling for 2h!

Im having the same issue with Rtym Mk1, but sadly this didnt fix my problem.

As you can see. My options (buffer size etc) looks ok, and the audio is playing through the control panel, but not into ableton, and i have all the inputs switched on in ableton.

This is driving me mad. Had a DT and DN before and worked without issue.

Thank you for the solution! It also worked for me. I believe this is happening because the maximum buffer size Overbridge can play at is 512 so anything aboe that will render it incompatible with the DAW.

Wasted half of my morning session tearing my hair out :slight_smile: During mixing I tend to set the buffer to the max (2048 samples) in Ableton, got my AH MkII in overbridge mode, admittedly, I do it very rarely, like to use it in an old fashioned analog way. Got the plugin going - nothing! Plugin GUI responds to MIDI messages fine, but no error messages no nothing, audio just passing through as if the plugin wasn’t there. It should be mentioned more explicitly, nothing in the manual too - AH MkII VST doesn’t work when Ableton audio buffer set to higher than 1028 samples! Don’t know about Logic and others, but suspect it’d be the same.
Got it working by chance, changed DAW buffer setting for a performance pass and realised VST is working again. Poor software design by Elektron, it’s not difficult to put an error message bubble in GUI. Pissed off!

Hi fabiant,
This is just happened to me for the first time with Digitone and Analog Rytm MKII.
Thanks for figuring out this buffer sync problem! Worked for me to return an Overbridge audio.

i had the same prob, try to put 3200 to – in/out buffer size –