No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

I’ll do it again! Made it a full year (12/21/21-12/22/22) before selling my Model:Cycles and getting a Syntakt. New goal is two full years of no new gear!


I join the NNGY2023.

When I think about it, I have :

  • near all Elektron box
  • a proper daw Live+Reason
  • a deepmind,
  • midi keyboard and enough vst from arturia
  • mc707 + mpc live + Electribe
  • few Monosynth from various manufacturer Beringher, Mutable, Korg

So honestly I begin to have space issue in my studio.
And I have more than enough to record whatever track I would like in a home studio.
Just need motivation to not to say to myself, this shiny new stuff will give me pleasure.
I don’t need new pleasure for 12 month at least :sweat_smile:


I’ll join again, had pretty good experience with it all last year.


OK I’m joining as well, with one exception: I want to sell my AK and get a simpler poly, most likely the Take 5. I decided on this a month ago, but are away from home until end of Jan before I can set the wheels in motion.

Apart from that planned thing, no other gear this year.


Just one more and there’s 50 of us!


The Syntakt was my gateway drug mid 2022. Already have the digi trio so no gear this year unless they bring out a mixer/fx unit at dig box price point lol


managed to get DEFINITELY THE LAST THING I NEED just before Christmas, still in transit… but I am IN. No more new gear til 2024.


I should have signed up last year because the only HW I bought was a Midi-CV converter, which was hardly new gear but a utility for my existing gear. I also bought a few apps, but that hardly counts, surely.

Now way I’m signing up this year because there is a certain synth which I intend to get this year (will be my first new fixed-architecture synth in 6 years)


Yeah, I’m in. I just realized that I was already going back into old habits, as I was planning to get a “proper” keyboard controller in addition to my launchpad. But that is BS, I haven’t even figured out all the functions of the launchpad yet, it’s just getting back to old habits of looking for new stuff to get instead of learning to properly use what I have.

So plans for this year:

  1. Sell all hardware.

I don’t know hard I wil be to myself here, but I guess it would be best to go all the way. I stil have:

Circuit Tracks
Circuit Rhythm
Monotron Delay

I switched to Ableton and I am happy for the moment and I have even nearly finished a track :smiley:

  1. I also want to clean up my Ipad, because there are many music apps I ahve not really used. I want to keep Ableton Note, because I can easily import waht I have done there to Ableton Live at home. Maybe also Koala just for field recording.

  2. The biggest goal is learning more about Ableton Live and Music Theory. Any tipps how I could spend the time I have spent looking for new gear learning? No videos and small doses should be the goal, something I can read while I have nothing to do at work for example.

Edit: I would like to add OGNY (one game new year): I have a massive backlog of switch games, a gamepass subsrciption until 2025 and I have only played like 3 hours of Elden Ring. So my goal here: Only Zelda, nothing else.

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I’m in!

My set up now is just

MacBook +Audio interface + Live
Bass with a few pedals

I’ve felt really discouraged to play bass the last couple of months, so probably I’ll ended up selling it with some pedals to spend in non-music related stuffs that I need. If that is the case, I hope to end the year just with my ITB setup.


I am not planning on buying new gear but I can’t guarantee. My job at the conservatory is making me GAS sometimes. But… I managed really well in 2022. I purchased a lot less then previous years so that is a good thing and I feel great about it. I am planning to do this in 2023 as well. When there was something new, I thought it over and 95% of the time I didn’t buy it, the only weakness I had was the er-301 that I was a after for a couple of years and a Syntakt. No regrets. Also I purchased a new MacBook, Ableton and some M4L devices to use at school. But that is what I needed to do the job I am doing. Overall I am proud of myself. Have a good year everyone!!! Stay strong in the gear jungle!!!


Mm, yeah, I think something in the mixer+effects combo is my only exception not already listed, but it needs 16 inputs and full flexibility in cross-input interactions, like the Beebo or Mod Dwarf, and to still be desktop-sized. If that shows up, I’ll buy it without regret and simplify my setup a ton. Not holding my breath.

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Depth Year

THIS is really cool idea, i’m in.

(but No New Gear idea sounds very uncool for me, will never join that – in the memory of my teenage years in USSR when gear was unobtainable, and my student years in post-USSR when gear was totally unaffordable.)


Very understandable.


In the spirit of things ‘use what you have’ in building acoustic panels out of building palettes and off cuts from all the house projects last year. All I bought last week was Rockwool and garden webbing for less than 60 quid. I like the pallettes and you can find them all over the place. Suits my aesthetic. Btw I’m not looking to get my studio acoustically optimized the ceiling is too low etc and I favour character over performance!
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I like the idea of this however I have already failed given I bought a Launchpad Pro yesterday :rofl:

That being said for the remainder of the year I plan to sell a drum machine and a synth and not buy anything else.

The exceptions are that my wife wants a digital piano and at some point I may upgrade my laptop, but my plan is no new instruments.

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I did not enjoy working in Ableton but enjoy Logic X a lot more.


Same. I strongly dislike Live, the way it looks, the user interface, everything.
But Logic Pro on the other hand = pure love.

Horses for courses, I guess.


Sign me up for 2023 please!

I held strong for the majority of the year but the lack of physical knobs and buttons on iPad (my main DAW being Drambo) started to really annoy me and resulted in me buying a drum pad. It then cascaded into a stream of purchases but, ultimately, ended with me discovering the joy of finger drumming. I’m very satisfied with the stuff I have now - and with Analog Keys in transit (the last purchase allowed this year), I can safely say I have more than enough to discover for years to come :slight_smile: