No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

I made a software purchase upgrade to scratch a very specific sound I’m always after.

I don’t want to be out, but I want to be transparent.

This has changed my buying habits for the better already, and I’d like to keep things going after what was a thoughtful decision.


Everybody has a different approach, but i do ponder what the material or mindful difference between transparency posts and posting as if this is every other “what did you buy today” thread.

I’m not posting what I bought to avoid exactly that. I’d hate to see the thread become just that.


Does anyone else’s GAS comes up when wanting to do music on the go, have portability etc?

Suddenly i “need” an Apple Macbook to install Renoise and make music at cafes, parks, on the train or wherever.


Still completely GAS-free but last week I had to buy a packet of heartburn remedy Rennie for the first time ever in my life. I never knew what heartburn felt like until recently when I thought that I was having a stroke or something. It turned out to be too much grease in my food etc. Well I made it until almost 49 years. I know people who are 10 years younger and addicted to Rennie.

For fuck’s sake, I’m vegan, this shouldn’t be a problem for me. But then again I love my crisps and chips.

Can I get any more off topic than this? I guess not.


It did for me a couple of years ago. I wanted a groove box with a battery, then a ‘field’ modular, then a new laptop, then an SP404mk2 (I bought that one!). Then I realised that if I was going somewhere I should just enjoy being there, or the journey, rather than getting my head down and making music!

Having said that I use an MPC Live 2 just now and that’s a great GAS killer for me. I use it all round the house as well as in the music room, nice being about to just pick it up and quickly work on something with no wires.

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Heartburn is a completely GASsy topic if you ask me :wind_face:


Why suddenly though? If this is a real gap in your toolbox, can you take the time (say, several months) to truly consider the problem, and pros and cons of various solutions?

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Why couldn’t you just nab a battery and adapter for any lower voltage/amperage kit you already own?

Do you already own a tablet?

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I am sure you know but for others: vegan does not mean automatically healthy yo! I eat less and less meat but have noticed making something vegetarian or even vegan you can still eat really trashy and fatty (and delicious!) stuff. Also stuff like tomatoes and other high acid food are good triggers. I dont think I have ever had a real heartburn based on what people describe it but can certainly feel if eating for example really tomato + oil heavy food (all kind of pasta, pizza etc Italian is prob my fave cuisine in the world, same with Indian tomato dishes).

As for the on topic GAS, I have 0 feelings to buy anything else than if the mod for 202 will come out this year and I have dough for it. Still I consider myself in since it is not a new synth but rather making 40 year old item restored and updated.


Nah its just reading online…the usual GAS beast haha

That is true. I do have an mpc one that can be used with a battery.

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I nearly succumbed to GAS over this particular beauty throughout the festive period!

Somehow this post has catalysed a useful thought… I can feel even more grateful for the things which already sit on my desk by thinking about them from the perspective of others.

Love the idea of going deep with what I have this year.


So far so good for me. I think that I’ll pass the challenge this year.


Same. Though seeing the new Roland groovebox is pretty fun and exciting but i have no urge to buy.


It’s a good feeling, right? I like it, but no GAS for it.


Found this thread a while ago when it was created. Lurker since then.

First I did not want to realize I am suffering the problem of GAS seriously. But I do.

I play the game with plausible deniability heavily with myself.
“I need this and there is this special reason/scenario why”.
Not untrue but most likely not ever happening bc I already own to much stuff I don’t even know how to use yet.

The thread - and coming back to it to read what members posted - actually inspired me to cancel any pre-orders I had open back then. And there were many.
Furthermore I stopped buying anything since the beginning of the year (I bought at least one thing every month since March 2020).

It’s weird as hell how much of a relief it is to stop acquiring stuff. I realized I have stuff lying around in boxes I bought new & used I haven even opened yet to this day.
It’s embarrassing to admit I haven’t even created anything meaningful since I bought so much stuff. Other people struggle with their income and I feel bad complaining about first world problems here …

I want to thank everyone for their honesty, I embraced the thought of diving into what I have and letting go things I don’t need. It still scares the dopamine-needy side of my brain but I guess that’s the first step getting sober. I wanted to wait a while but to my own surprise I haven’t bought anything this year yet.

I am still not sure if I will stay strong since I live in Berlin and when Superbooth 23 is up I will see all the new shiny things and Gollum out as usually then.

Anyway, I changed my pattern for at least 8 weeks and I guess that’s a success.


That is a success

Hopefully you can find a creative replacement. Jamuaries were great for that. February is album month (14 tracks in 28 days).

Who know if there’s something different coming for the next months but I’m looking to join the challenges they have on the board here, with hip-hop, DnB and sampling.

Those aren’t styles I usually do anything with but I think that’s the point for breaking free.


Yeah even a temporary break where you feel like you’re thinking differently is a massive positive.

I personally am not such a fan of “no” related to gear in this thread, but focus on the mindfulness that emerges when you focus on your GAS and aim to break the dopamine-driven relationship to gear.

To me, new gear is okay…sometimes essential, great, and delightful! But mindfulness around its acquisition is the key. The point to me is focusing on a purposeful and honest relationship to my gear.


That’s definitely success. I agree with @davestasiuk, for me this is ultimately not about never buying any more gear, but only having what I need for making music at my current level (whatever that is). This is actually a positive for my mental health, whereas the GAS/debt treadmill I was in is a massive negative, and not really a responsible way for a 50 yo dad of 2 to behave.

Last year I finished 2 tracks in Ableton (nothing compared to some I know, but before I finished zero tracks!), current aim is a finished track from the MPC Live2.

Keep going!