it’s the 1st so I thought i’d start off a new thread. who is up for this year? what are your intentions?
i won’t be changing any hardware or software this year.
i’ve made quite a few purchases in the past year, it’s been great for learning and exploring. 2025 I want to be a year focused on being prolific, making records and deepening my skills with what I have.
totally impossible for me.
i’m planning to get at least one Zoom LiveTrak L-6 (but better two) because finally someone made a proper mixer for gigs & touring with synth-based rig.
It’s gonna be hard but I’ll try to make it as far as I can.
For months I find ways to trick my mind into waiting for a month before buying, only to suddenly fail in a moment of weakness…
maybe come post in this thread in those moments? may help to keep you on the path!
i’m going to intentionally ween off looking at new things - i don’t feel i have a problem in that sense, but i’d like to keep this year as mentally clear as possible.
After getting way too much stuff in 22&23 - sold 80% in 2024 and looks like I have all I need for now. Might sell one or two more things, want to double one pedal I already own to get what it offers in stereo, but I don’t want to buy anything new this year. Plan is to focus on finishing tracks with current setup and developing muscle memory just like I have at work with the hardware I use daily for mixing video / sound / light. I’m IN!
I’ve probably purchased way too many new stuff in 2024 with the excuse of: “I’ll stick with them for at least 2025”. I plan of not buying anything else this year although I might sell something.
Yep, it did for six months last year. Hopefully it does for this one.
Two good things: I own a synth I consider my desert island synth, it fulfills all my needs, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything so it makes getting other pieces a bit redundant.
I also own an unused Push 3 that I need to learn again.
So this is my strategy for 2025: as long as I haven’t mastered the Push 3, no way I’m gonna buy anything. Could get me through a good part of the year ^^
I boiled my setup down to a laptop, Push 3 and a 7U 104hp rig. Even considering selling my DT2.
BUT…the lusting over M4L-devices or Fors stuff is never far away. But I will try to stay strong for as long as I can, because with Live Suite you really don’t need anything else.
I’m not buying anything this year, except I will buy some max for live devices which are generally inexpensive and the big caveat would be that I cannot promise I would be strong enough to not buy Tonverk when that comes out.
The big thing for me is that I will not be purchasing any new eurorack modules this year.
I’m waiting to see what NAMM 2025 brings later this month. I’ve committed myself to holding off on any new gear purchases until then just in case something amazing drops.
I’m in the market for a digital-sounding polysynth with deep sound design options (shortlist is Iridium, Waldorf M and potentially DN2 at this point) to complement my Prophet 5, but who knows what NAMM will bring.