No midi from torso t1 to analog rytm

hello folks
I’m trying to use T1 to sequence AR MK1. Notes don’t get played.
I’ve done this:

AR receives notes flawlessly from Octatrack
Digitone receives notes flawlessly from T1
2 midi cables were used

weirdly, there was a quick moment when the first track sent signals on midi channel 1 to AR midi channel 1, but failed to do so on track to (channel2). Track 2 only created noise on the AR when I routed the output to track 3 (then obviously on AR, channel 3 responded). Using track 3 directly, however, didn’t make the AR do anything.

more research: t1 works very well with digitone and analog four mk1. midi comm is weird with octatrack and analog rytm.

here is an example:
I use 4 tracks to send midi on channel 1-4 to octatrack. only track 3 plays - with t1’s pattern coming through only every second bar, with one bar of silence in between.

thank you for your help… this is frustrating

Any ideas what could be going on?

Thank you

just guessing here, any chance the T1 sends notes out of rytm scope? or maybe to the wrong channel?


Trying moving the notes of your pulses down an octave or two.

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If you haven’t seen the thread, there’s lots of great advice here


I had the same problem and lowering the octave did work. Does anyone know if there is a way to make this the default pitch in the T1. Find it quite laborious to do that for 12 tracks for every new pattern

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the octave it is! thank you brothers. you gave me back the joy of life :wink:


Same issue with the Octatrack, but you have to be careful because different pitch ranges do different things on the Octatrack, so you can play the regular track sounds from all tracks, play the pitched sound from the specified track, set recording, start and stop the sequencer, etc. all from one channel. Just read the Midi specs in the manual.

Generally though, going up 2 octaves on the T1 will get you to play the pitched track sounds on that channel of the Octatrack.

Also, if you have a midi fx plugin or hardware, you should be able to get the velocity parameter to effect the vol parameter, so you get some measure of velocity control on the Octatrack through the T1.