No Masters - Shameless Charity Promotion EP

Rounded up to ten kilogrammeters


Says everyone in every country!

Glad to see you taking that anger and doing something positive with it!

Sad that it makes you angry though, life’s to short to bothered with things you can’t control.


The UK government’s actions are worthy of our anger. They do not represent the views of the majority and they will pay the price at the next general election. I completely understand the apathy but collectively, we have more control than those in power would like us to believe.


Purchased! Thank you for doing this!

Love it!


I’m afraid that the truly scary thing is that nothing that comes out of our coward PM’s mouth isn’t focus-grouped to fucking death.

Which means his rhetoric is machine-tooled to chime with a large demographic of the British people.

When he spoke about ‘the boats’ recently, he exclusively dealt in figures of how many boats had been stopped, or sent back and how many Albanian’s had been repatriated.
And he used those numbers because he knew that was all that a lot of people want to hear.
That means there is currently no political capital for a UK Prime MInister to state that our country has taken X number of children out of warzones, or X number of families out of starvation, or X number girls out of human traffic for sexual exploitation - making statements to that effect is deemed a vote-loser in 2023 UK.

I fucking despair of us.


Very true. I’d like to think though that the penny is at least teetering on the edge of dropping for the voting public that they have been lied to repeatedly by a government who are hell bent on self-preservation, whatever the cost.

I’ll admit that this is wishful thinking on my part. I have family members in more remote parts of the UK who still appear to lap up all the populist bullshit that our elected leaders feed them. That’s despite the fact that the wealthy elite pose more of a direct threat to their quality of life than refugees on small boats.



Ditched Twitter for this place and thought I wouldn’t find myself ranting about our government’s refugee policies here also but this is a good effort for a great cause so obviously bought it for a bumped price. Only fear is now having those faces on the cover in my Bandcamp list.

I came to the UK as a political refugee aged four (the same age my daughter turns in a few months), back when things were slightly more tolerant (or fleeing the hells of Soviet occupation was more acceptable as there was a war on / we have white skin).

Our country’s current policies towards refugees disgust me so much I get too angry and sad thinking about it and need to stop. These are desperate people in far worse situations than my family was in being called awful dehumanising names, being wished drowning on, and being treated like pests when every statistic points to immigration having a massive benefit to society both financially and culturally. Nazi analogies are cheap and overused but one cannot fail to notice the UK politicians’ language being frighteningly similar to that used to murder a large part of my family in the holocaust before part two of 20th century europe occupation hell arrived.

As primarily a lyricist I’ve been planning a concept album of refugee ballads (in tribute to Dust Bowl Ballads by Woody Guthrie, the first and one of the greatest concept albums) for a while. I want it to be perfect and anger doesn’t always make the best writing so it might take longer. Would love to collaborate on something with anyone here in the meantime if up for it.

Maybe we should all take inspiration from Mr Guthrie and put “This machine kills fascists” stickers on our synth boxes and start making all our bleeps, beats, crackles and bloops more meaningful.


Over £150 donated so far.

Thanks again to everyone who’s generously supported this.


your donation of music, time and energy to coordinate as well as put care over profit is what made this possible, everyone else got a nice album out of it. hope this not small effort continues to make a difference in days to come.


Bought and SO very supportive even as an American. Same shit is going down here, as always, so No Masters gets my vote. Fight the power :fist:t2:




Thanks for the bump.

Only a tenner short of £200 raised so far, thanks everyone.


Huge respect, Fin.

Those were mine.


Much appreciated

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done (yesterday) & bump :+1:

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Done :grinning:

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bump, because the problem hasn’t just worked itself out on its own, and after all, it’s a nice little box of tunes you get to keep your charity in.


Bump n’ buy

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Thanks for your generosity.