No Kit Browser or Load Kit in AK plugin?

So there are options to reload, save, or clear a kit in the AK plugin, but no option to load a kit? I can browse individual sounds in the pool or +Drive, but not whole kits. I find that frustrating, as a large part of the appeal of Overbridge is that it takes me away from the tiny screen.

I looked through the manual for 1.15, and I couldn’t find a reference. I don’t think I’m missing it. I see other posts here regarding the same thing, with no answers - I thought I might be suffering from RTFM disease, but it appears not.

Please add this Elektron. Seems like a major oversight, unless I’m missing something obvious, in which case slap me upside the head.

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I got the same problem.

Is there really no kit broswer in the AK plugin? What about the AR plugin? That really seems like a no-brainer to have one; please tell me that these good people have just somehow missed something??? To be honest, this seems like it would be the main reason for me to bother with OB…

Looking for the same here…?