Night of Machines [November 2013, AK announcement]

Elektron Midimachine - Standalone sequencer and midi controller brain for all four machines… :alien:

Going by the mix of woods and the keyboard looking logo at the bottom, I am predicting a poly-synth.

Monomachinedrum…? Black and bringing it back to a trilogy? Analog drum machine. .? Probably.! Ohhhh I bet …it……AN AFFORDABLE ANALOG MONO!!! I would be all for that to be honest! If they could get it under 500 an Elektron for everybody would be cool. Looking forward to seeing what it is. Hopefully the homie Dataline will be rocking one that night with Video!!!

whatever it is i hope it has MORE outputs than usual. the only thing they make w/enough outputs is the MnM.
OT needs 4 more outs!
MD needs MOAR
though i’d be happy w/a nice FM synth w/knobs and only 2 outputs unless it was multitimbral then output per part makes sense.

Additive in hardware. It’s what the children need

DJ dataline? might it be a smart FX mixer?

No DJing for me, I would not know how to even if I wanted to :slight_smile:
Will be doing the OT+A4 combo!

Will they be playin those postcard records they used for A4 promo? Or maybe OTs? Surely hope there’s no laptops in site.

Can’t say whether laptops will be hooked up or not, but all live acts will use Elektron machines at least.

My guess is since all the current boxes don’t have keys, that it’s keys with maybe an ep engine in it, to worry those Nord kids in Stockholm.

cool ! I bet, and hope, for a analog drum machine, but what ever it is I am sure its good !

It’s the HexakaidecaTrack with integrated Analog 8.

Keyboard version of Analog Four, where you can hook up several additional Analog Fours for the lulz.

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It’s totally gonna be a general midi compliant keyboard with p-lockable general midi parameters! Because this is what the world needs, a resurgence of ROMplers!

No DJing for me, I would not know how to even if I wanted to :slight_smile:
Will be doing the OT+A4 combo![/quote]
I was wondering why they had you listed as a DJ too, thought for sure it was a new mixer being introduced. :slight_smile:

Nice a FX mixer, i will look forward for that.

if its something like a synth with keys, it better comes with a proper sine wave or i stick with my bass station. minitaur, minibrute, mopho, etc all lack the #$/§*% sine wave

Oh yes I 'll come!

All live acts? A Guitar Machine? What?!

Anyone travels by any chance through Slovenia or Austria? I’m thinking to go by train. But a car is an option to. Lastly maybe I will drive to Berlin from Slovenia and I can pick up some elektronauts on the way there… :slight_smile: