#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’m in, but my Osmose is coming already, so that’s my one exception


Good work - inspiring :muscle:

I can’t recommend the Pipe. Couldn’t get rid of it fast enough.

I’m planning exactly this (*) - but like @craig I’m stocking up this month !

(Like most people, I’ve been excited by the information and leaks in the Syntakt thread so that may end up being the exception for 2022).

  • DIY parts and pcbs dont count !!!
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Cheers. What did you not like about it?

Hahahah. We had one word and spun that out to hundreds of posts of pure bollocks :smiley:


Nonsense - if it’s on the internet it must be true. If you dont believe everything you read on the internet you waste far too much time with thinking.

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I thought it sounded kinda horrible. Vlad is a genius though, and I love that he’s all over the place.

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All right. I’m in too. Syntakt be damned. I’m buying one more thing to replace my Subharmonicon before the end of the year, then absolutely nothing for the entirety of 2022. Elektron is gonna regret creating Elektronauts and giving @Joebas an account :joy:


Yeah, I was hoping to get some (layered) drones out of it. And maybe experiment with vocals.

Let me know, how you like it, if you decide to go for it. I got it in a trade, and was never really turned on by the idea of it, do maybe I judged it hastely.

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Yeah, I thought about that too. Might have gear company representatives following me soon :joy:

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You’ll no doubt be having a visit from Ess and Cenk. They never left. They just went off book.


I actually plan to actively thin my gear out, but heck I’m totally down with the no new gear ethos, I’ve got an engagement ring to purchase also so I need to be strong or the missus will be getting a mood ring…


I’ll have a NoGear Year when I’m dead. For now, I’ll impatiently wait for the email to tell me I can order a MicroMonsta2.



That’s a great motivation. For me, I’m not even gonna sell anything, cause I know, that it can take on a gas-like presence.

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So we’re only buying massive amounts of plugins, soundpacks, samples, presets, DAWs, Masterclasses, FX chains etc.?


I’m in.

Osmose arrival expected sometime in 2022 but that does not count as it was already ordered and partially paid for well before 2021.


You need a DFAM, you know you do :sunglasses:

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Chase Bliss?