#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

(purposefully taking things way too far)

Recovering alcoholic about whether their partner may buy them a bottle of scotch for the holidays:

wink wink


I don’t think this is way too far. I see al lot of similarities between alcohol addiction and GAS, so I think you make a valid example here to think about!

Sure, it is likely that both tickle the same part of the brain! It’s more that I am not implying in any way that @frosty_raver is a recovering alcoholic.

Absolutely. I like the alcohol analogy. One is one too many. It has to be total abstinence for this to work. Like mentioned that one ‘gift’ could be a trigger as not much is known about Gas. I would include software as well to the banned list. Id even go as far as looking at youtube and gearlust forums. All of it goes into the same pit. Burn baby burn.

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Sometimes I think being able to self exclude from the internet completely would be a good thing. 30 days off and see if anxiety lessens, that sort of thing…


Mate you are harsh. Swapping is totally within the spirit of this thing.

I don’t feel it that way. Swapping gear is almost the same as buying and selling gear, except there is no transfer of money, but the effect is the same: New shiny gear on the table.

Everyone should of course do what they feel is right, I’m only saying: Just watch out that you are not unconsciously fooling yourself with the grey areas.


Swapping is totally an open door to gas and avoiding focus on what you currently have. Absolutely not in the spirit for me.

The goal is not to stop spending money, it is to start spending time and learning what you currently have.


Yeah ok. I had a swap recently that felt like a happy downgrade in the sense that I came out with something simpler and more focused, so I may have been swayed by that…


For others with lots of individual pieces of gear it might be different, but for me the goal here is to stick to one setup and to really mine its depths to the fullest for a whole year to see if it makes me more productive overall. Minimising distractions such as gear reviews is key. No putting things off until X arrives. No thinking about ‘what if…’ Just getting on with it. Saving money is a bonus. That’s how I’m approaching it anyway. YMMV.


That’s clever!

Yep this TOTALLY works. Seeing gear being used better by someone else (almost) always makes me want to persevere more with it.


But what about the SinTakt?
To be fair I think I’m pretty much sorted with my current setup and I currently have a reduced desk space so it should be fairly easy.
The exception could be the Micromonsta 2…

If you feel driven to “be sadistic” to others attempts to reframe our own patterns, something is being scratched by your posts here :wink:

Worry less about overarching “rules” and “laws” and perhaps use the discomfort to re-examine your own relationship with creative technology and consumerism?

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Ah thats why your struggling. Cheers for clearing that up.:joy_cat:

my plan for 2022 is to avoid new gear…
it may not work out of course :wink:

BUT - I think I’ve found a clever trick…

I’m cleaning and re-organizing my little music area - and removing as much as I can to reduce distractions…putting everything back into their boxes and onto a shelf in a closet.

Now, I’m able to ‘go shopping’ anytime I want!

I think this will be especially useful for my eurorack - in 6 months I’ll have forgotten that I have a module, but then see it when browsing my little store and get to unbox it all over again :slight_smile:


Absolutely. What I was saying was you should not be able to give the money to your partner to purchase the gear for you and give it to you as a present.



One further loophole. What if you win gear in a competition you entered this year? Does it have to be sold or given away immediately?

nah, that’s fine unless it tips off more impulsive purchases for you.


I’m not the rules committee, but I think that would be a no. Enter!

But the law states that you cannot create a lottery and be a participant. So no buying gear, and setting up a lottery, then winning it yourself :wink:

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if new gear falls off a back of a truck, and you happen to be in the area, it’s fine.

likewise, if woodland creatures or fairies deliver new gear to you somehow, it’s acceptable to keep it.