#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Yea my home and car repairs hit hard making no gear a no brained this year for me. I’m hoping for an Erica Synths techno system or Rytm mk2 next year tho.

Yes! Congratulations everybody :heart: I’m cutting my online activity drastically at the moment, but will of course check in here.


Alright guys, sin here, couldn’t resist the inpending discontinuation of the Mutable Instruments line so I bought the last module that interested me from those still available (and a mixer with it).
I’m not proud, but it’s my only purchase in more than 5 months and I intend to keep things that way until the end of the year.

@Joebas you know what you have to do :slight_smile:

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Done! :wink: And congratulations on your 5 months :muscle: Which mutable module was it?

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Haha, thanks, I think I wouldn’t have jumped if I hadn’t seen Blades and Rings get discontinued and unavailable everywhere, it put the urge in me to jump on a Tides 2 before it was too late.

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Whatsup guys, haven’t checked in after committing a terrible sin in april (bought an octatrack).

Props to everyone still going strong! I truly respect you guys. I’m still committed to this challenge going forward and besides getting the OT I’ve sold a bunch of gear since jan 1 and don’t plan on buying anything for the remainder of the year.

Just to motivate all of you a little more, getting the OT has been a mixed experience for me so far: Even though the OT clicks with me very much, using it together with the AR (my fav gear of all time) is confusing to me, and it feels like I have 2 machines trying to play the same role. So I decided to put away the AR for a while but then I started really missing it. So the acquisition of the OT actually put me in a state of confusion and uncertainty about my entire setup instead of just being an addition. Maybe I should’ve just stuck to my guns instead of messing up what worked very well.

If any of you are considering getting something new, just think about the resulting issues regarding desk space, cable routing, and workflow in relation to your other gear. Something new might just mess things up…


I can relate to that a lot. I am not that big of a Sample-Mangeling-Guy, so my OT is mostly a drum machine and midi sequencer, if I use it for more than mixing. I added a ARmk2 to it over a year ago. While I was able to do solo songs on the OT and the AR, I was not really happy with using them together, because they did kind of the same thing.
At the end, after selling the AR months ago and trying the Syntakt, I have to realize, that while I love the Analog Kicks, I am totally fine with Samples, so I stick to the OT (if I want to go Elektron).

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This post is maybe a bit off-topic, but I feel this is the place where I can express this doubt, as this thread is full of supportive people, and my problem is maybe related to GAS.

First, even though I’m not in the #ngny22 list, I committed in spirit, as in “buy less and explore what I’ve already got deeper”, and it’s been quite a success so far, in part thanks to this thread. So, thank you all, and specially @Joebas for this. In 2022, I’ve only bought a ~200€ second hand drum machine and some sound packs, which is fairly less than, for example, the last 5 months of 2021. And I’ve been exploring the DN in deep. I also managed to cancel a kickstarter pledge, because, even though the device was very interesting, I would’n use it so much.

Now, I’ve decided I’ll buy a syntakt. I don’t want to wake up any GAS here, so I’ll only say that I liked what I’ve seen so far about it, a lot. This will probably be my only big acquisition in 2022.

Thing is, even though I’ve got the money and the space, and I feel I’ll love it, I have some gear I’m not using very often, and my doubt is if I should sell it right away, and partially fund the ST, or I should keep them and try to get along with them. I’m talking here about an A4mk1 and/or a AH, which are the two elektron devices I don’t quite get (on the other hand, I love the DT+DN pair).

The two of them are so appreciated in this forum, that I feel like it’s my fault to don’t quite like them. But, why keep them, if I’m happier using the DT+DN? It’s just a hobby in the end.

So here I am. I know this is my decision to make, but I’d really like to hear what you have to say.

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My personal view is that you have too many Elektrons! Especially when you concede that the DT+DN combo is where you’re happiest. Put the others away in their box for a while and see if you ever get the urge to break them out. If not, sell them. But (again, speaking personally) I wouldn’t even bother with Syntakt. Make drums on DN (or whatever drum machine you mentioned in your post) and sample them into DT instead. Good luck!


Just because others like something doesn’t mean you have to. On the other hand, the combination of the A4mk1 + AH + DN surpasses the Syntakt in sonic possibilities. It may not be as convenient, is all.

Yes, sure. But,

  1. I find it difficult and slow to program patches on the A4, and the screen is tiny. I like the performance macros and the song mode, though.
  2. Sometimes I use the AH on the master, as a subtle enhancer, but many times I don’t bother: I work better with one/two boxes at the same time. Sometimes I use it in a single track, but then I need to use a DAW, and I find it funnier to create out of the box.

The thing with the ST is that it’s more self-contained. I managed to make some tracks with the DN or DT alone, but I always feel somehow limited. And, if working on the couch or in the bed, which I love to do, I always take only one device (and maybe a midi keyboard).

On the other hand, you are both right: will the ST add something I couldn’t get done with what I have? Probably not.


Fellow couch/bed producer here. I find (or found, before I sold them all) two Elektrons is the max/sweet spot. Two short audio cables, one short midi cable and some headphones. For my bed productions I use a giant floor cushion, which acts like a kind of in-bed table, and for easy transportation of them together, I highly recommend a chopping board. No need to disassemble anything that way :slight_smile:


Valid points, and I too am looking at the Syntakt as a respectable all-in-one. But since, like you, I already have all these other great Elektron boxes, I’m not in a hurry. One possibility to improve your relationship with the A4 is to avoid the things you don’t like. There are some great drum preset packs and some respectable melodic packs. Maybe a little more preset tweaking and using it for what you see as its strengths will help?


Peace y’all; was able to get 2 Pioneer XDJ1000mk2s on very affordable no interest terms and after playing a small loft party over a holiday weekend on better Pioneer gear just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to upgrade from my XDJ 700s. I do plan on continuing my relative gear purchasing abstinence, however.

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I also found 2x Elektron boxes is right for me (mine are OT & Rytm Mk1).
OT is plenty for me to sequence anything else I want to, except for my 303.
I’ve also found it really helpful packing up gear and using less. There is the temptation to get stuff back out of boxes, but each time I do I end up putting it away again so I must be doing something right here :slight_smile:


Just had a close encounter with gas - suddenly I managed to convince myself, I needed to sell my Make Noise Tempi, and get a Pamelas New Workout. For no apparant reason, this happened at work, and I wrote to ask a seller about shipping for Pams, and put the Tempi up for sale.

Fast forward, I’m home giving Tempi a ‘last spin’, using functionality I’ve never used before, and falling in love with it. Deleted the ad for Tempi, and just feel pretty stupid. Oh well.


Tempi rules! Way more hands-on playable than Pam’s, and if you use the Mod input you can get complex rhythms out of multiple channels in a way that would be a huge pain to program on Pam’s. I think you’re making a good choice hanging onto it.

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This is exactly what I - finally - discovered :+1: Combined with switching states, it’s pretty crazy…




just had my first piano lesson today, so that’s where my gear money is going for the foreseeable future.