Next update?

What do you think will be in it?

A new hole on the panel for the sustain pedal.

Analog 5 Unlock for A4 Keys buyers.

imo, what’s realistic:

  • tweaks: arp locking, per-track time multiplier, the usual suspects…
  • UI polish such as quicker access to poly config etc.
  • midi sequencing

i thought maybe some extra DSP oscillator, but not sure if that’s warranted… if it gets MIDI sequencing, or just MIDI mirroring, you can use about any external kit for that… and it already works very well with CV & modules or whathaveyou.

also thought maybe an additional master effect or 2… but if it’s a send effect, the voice amp page would need to be redone, and tbh I can’t think of a good effect that would be equally as useful as chorus/delay/reverb… and I think it can’t be an insert effect such as compressor or EQ, this would defeat the analog signal path.

so imo, MIDI sequencing is the one obvious thing that would be a really worthy addition.

I would like an instant recall button or scene grab kinda thing (like in a live performance, you could tweak out loads of parameters, and then hit the button to get everything back to original state instantly…)

An EQ for every track would be very useful for me.

Already exist.

Elektron hires Void and he makes all of our fantasies become reality.

Including seemless pattern pasting.

If they did, I’d do my best haha :slight_smile:

Already exist. [/quote]
It does? I’ve only had mine for 2 weeks. I guess you can re-load pattern or kit? But it’s not been working for me so far… And this trick will also reset the state of your performance encoders?

+1 on the EQ though :slight_smile:

yeah just press NO + KIT to reload.

but afaik there’s no quick command to copy/paste the current unsaved state of an entire kit… this would be useful.
you can do it with track sounds, individual parameter pages, FX settings, patterns, tracks… but not with the kit…

Cheers! :slight_smile:

It will be another major update if they added midi control to the A4.

Currently my A4 CV track is sitting idle because I have no vintage or Moog gear. Using this track as midi controller for my BSII would be ideal.

AK already has this feature. So I will be cope/paste to the A4…this only costs a programmer 2 hours of work + 1 person to check the syntax = maybe 4 hours. The return of investment will be me buying an AR :wink:

In the near future I am hoping to add a AR. But this machine also does not have midi control. I would therefore need a 3rd machine for midi control of my BSII. Note that I love these machine but too many really makes my head spin. I would love simple set up using A4, AR and BSII.

Will see…

Well at least be available by MIDI ! !
Got to be something they add soon.

Pressing YES+KIT saves all kit changes to the currently loaded kit slot. Not sure if that’s what you were looking for.

Stab in the dark would be some sort of au/vst integration over USB with sound card option using the onboard adc. Approx q4 delivery.

I don’t know how I do it either…

Thank you to elektron for this. It’s fantastic customer service, over delivering. As an early a4 adopter I have value for money big time.

No way. Dreaming mate.


I’d like to see something where you can pick a key and a scale (kind of like what ableton push offers) and then you press the triggers only notes in that key would be played.

Obviously you could just trigger the notes in key yourself, however, for quick time improvised live playing having this option would be so useful.

Would make for really quick baselines to put leads over when playing live.

try running the CV back in as audio, new digital oscillators. :wink:

i’d really like freely routable key-tracking. it’d be great to do FM without parameter locking and a million other things too. it’d also be very useful to disable it going to pitch for some types of sound.