Next Sequential Release

Yes - a hybrid drum machine would be great. Elektron don’t seem to be bothering with a new Machinedrum, so a Linn/DSI collaboration that rights the wrongs of the Tempest and throws in some DSI hybrid magic would be exciting. Thinking DCO’s, VCO’s, Digital waveforms, sample capability and analogue filters, with some of Roger’s MPC magic thrown in. Absolute winner.

Wasn’t it Oberheim who was quoted, saying he doesn’t know why anyone would make a monosynth these days? That makes OB-1 seem unlikely. A successor to the Tempest seema to fit the narrative. From what I’ve heard, the Tempest was fraught with all kinds of issues, and was unwieldy, or at least cumbersome to work with. If they go that route, let’s hope they have squashed most of those bugs. It would be really interesting if they came up with a groovebox-like device. That would certainly be a piece for a “different kinds d of player” I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure the pandemic’s impact to global supply chains has probably caused delays.

…i’m pretty positive, the tempest was their final collaboration…

Fraught with all kinds of issues”—That’s an understatement.

Unwieldy”—Yes, but in a good way.

Cumbersome to work with”—Only if you don’t know from drum synthesis and depend on presets and fixed parameters.

The interface, which was largely Roger’s contribution, is both fast and intuitive. In this respect, at least, the Tempest is brilliant.

Sequential, however, have never been able to iron out complex operating systems, especially when it comes to sync and sequencers; not even on their simpler synths. And this is coming from someone outside the circle, who has been on the inside. Buyer beware!

The new LinnDrum II, on the other hand… That is sure to be a solid investment. That’s where I’ll be putting my money anyway. :wink:


P.S. I don’t think we’ll be seeing another Linn/DSI collab, and that suits me just fine.

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yep In the bboy tech interview he didn’t say anything about Dave Smith when showing the linn drum mk2

I am also looking forward to the LinnDrum II. It would be nice if it materialized soon.

So the next Sequential release is not a drum machine, but 2 reissued Prophets instead :joy:

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So… I was wrong…

IN MY DEFENSE: Dave Smith lied. This was not for a different type of musician. It’s another keyboard polysynth lol


The nice thing with this thread title is we just get to start over now !

I don’t think it is true but WHAT IF Dave was actually working on the next next release for the different type of musician.

One thing for sure — this is not the last new synth from Sequential !

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Well, considering the Pro3 came before, it’s certainly different in the Sequential realm. One’s a crazy cool and modern modular experience, the other’s grandpa back in town. Both equally awesome.

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I dunno that video had me a little put off. Dave talking about Sequential’s first big synth and then “I’m 70 now… so here it is” sort of thing. made it sound like book-ends to his career. but of course, I hope there are many more. and he seems to be in great health with hopefully many more years of synth building in front of him.


to me Dave looks like he’s ready to design yet another new synth already, in the video.

Everybody sees the same thing in their own way.

How many different active products does Sequential have ?
Will they continue to manufacture and sell those products ?
For how long ?
How many people are a part of the company ?
Are they profitable, or at least able to pay their employees good salaries ?
What is the brand worth ?
Can companies transition and survive after the “retirement” of their founder ?
Is there an opportunity for talented people to fill in on the creative role ?
Does the existing product base naturally inspire the creation of new products ?
Are there people, or a small team of people, that have the talent and ability to take on this role ?
Would Dave be willing to relinquish tight control of this role ?
What is necessary for a company like Sequential to last long-term ?

I’ll answer this last one => They must create new products eventually.

I see all the ingredients necessary for Sequential to create new products, in the future, and also the structure that would cause that to happen. I can’t predict the future, but this seems entirely likely to me.

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Those are all good questions for their “Ask Sequential” youtube feature. They started this when the pandemic hit. Some questions you mention were answered in round about ways through those videos. If you haven’t seen these videos yet, I recommend them:

Here’s the playlist:

I really enjoyed watching all of those 9 videos this morning, since I am back in school for UX/UI and so many of them dealt with design. They have an “Ask Sequential” submission form on their site that I used to ask some deeper design questions about user research. I realize the feature hasn’t been updated since this summer, probably because they’re back into full production swing. But I am hopeful they continue it because it gave great insights into the company and that is super valuable for them to build and retain brand loyalty.


One thing for sure — this is is not the last new synth from Sequential !


Hm if you think about this, there could be a Prophet Peak in the pipeline as a replacement for the discountinued Prophet 12 desktop.

Absolutely though probably not identified as such, it might get added pretty invisibly, but the FPGA technology inside the Peak/Summit is really valuable and quite transportable as a technology. It could be tweaked to change the sound, and the whole sound design process after initial hardware design really defines a synth too. I’m sure the engineers at Sequential will be examining the FPGA design now, and picking up on some of its potentials.

ADDED: One of the strengths that Sequential has as a member of a Focusrite group, is the community they are based in. For them to hire an engineer for a few months on contract, to adapt an FPGA audio design, is quite a doable thing for them in the Bay Area.


If this guarantees us Sequential synths for another 40+ years, I’m all for it. I only have the Prophet 12 module right now but in a perfect world (where my setup would be finished) I could see myself having at least the P6/P5 and the OB-6 as well. I’m definitely not ashamed to say I’m a huge Dave Smith fanboy. In addition to Moog, Sequential is a company that just seems to do things the right way.


And in 50 years the “Dave Smith Era” synths will be more desirable :see_no_evil:

The OB6 is pulling me at the moment… I’d really like a SEM polysynth in the collection.

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I know I’ll be noodling with all the Sequential synths in 50 years. :smiley:

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