Newbie Question - Starting with all Empty Patterns

Just got my Rytm, been jamming and messing for a couple of hours. Should be working but work can wait :wink:

Want to start from scratch, having difficulty understanding pattern banks at mo’

How do I get a totally empty pattern (no preset triggers anywhere) with steps 1-16 looping only (want to forget steps beyond 16 for a bit - in FL Studio I have always worked on 16 step patterns) ready for me to add a kick drum to steps 1, 5, 9 and 13.

manual page 41, 42 - make sure you are not in record mode and press clear ([function] + [play]). You can also hold [bank] + [trig] to copy and paste other patterns.

Once i got mine I did the full reset. Hold the function button and power unit on. Then hit I think the number 2 step for a empty reset.

Or just CLEAR the 32 factory patterns to keep the Factory Sounds

Cheers guys,

I worked out how to set a patterm length.

I don’t want to delete all the factory preset stuff at the moment - still jamming with it.