New User - Recording Scene Fader Movements


New user here, this has been bugging me.

I fully get assigning parameters to the scene fader but is there a way to record the fader movements similar to how you can record the knob twists as parameter locks.

I must be missing something here. It seems like the scene fader movements cannot be recorded to the sequencer. Its way easier to move the fader than twist those knobs when real time recording.


nope sorry, its designed for live use, and cant be recorded

Yeah, it’s a shame there’s no way to record fader movement. I’d happily give up a track for that.

Wow that is very disappointing. It would be so cool to record multiple parameters in one go with a single move of the fader, instead of twisting knobs for days, I’m not a fan of knob twists for speed.

Please work on this elektron. Fader scene recording/locking in live recording mode.

this might be worth a read. by using midi loopback you can sequence the crossfader. unclear as to whether anyone got it working the other way round but it appears that the OT crossfader definitely sends out midi as well as responding to it…

I bet its like the joystick on the monomachine-keyboard or the analogekeys… It will not record it.
Cant speak for elektron, but I doubt it, if it will ever come…

Good news/Bad news… the fader does send out midi_CC …
If you program your song into the songmode… play it synced with another sequencer (yes a sequencer for your sequencer)
delete all incoming midi-data except for the fader_CC on the second sequencer…
you should end up with “the recording of your fader” which you can send back to your OT…
The downside of this… You have to use songmode… cause you cant “jam your song” into the second sequencer,
this will not get you the results as you expect… (I think thats because not everything is broadcasted as a midi event)

Just sample it! Easy, effective.