New type of 'Easter Egg"?

I just had the weirdest thing happen on the AR2. Saved kit as kit 2, made changes saved again and in the enter kit name box, the name “GLARING MUCOSA” was there and I have no clue from whence it came. Bizarre indeed.


I’m not sure but I think in the latest update you can name the kit with an auto generated one, with a combo of key presses


Thanks, I didn’t know that.

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this machine has a bad ass sense of humor.


Sure does. I have nasal issues and wondered if I’d blacked out and gone on an adventure but I would have kept it secret if I thought that had happened (again) LOL


the magical mystery snore.


Whelp, you’ve got your next album title.


For random titles, you only need to press the setting button when naming or renaming.


It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

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I really wish that when you use the random name to name a sound, it automatically puts BD or SD or whatever track you got in from, like “BD SNORING TABLE” or whatever.

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That’s a good idea.

I like random name generator but I have to admit that after saving a bunch of those, the library basically becomes a huge senseless mess and not very practical.

I thought how it would be more useful to have a few preset names, or ‘last used names’ as an option that you could then just increment ## at the end, for example. But @bgEN idea of having track type on the name could also help.

I bet all of this takes a bit more programming time than just a random name generator though :smile:

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The ## is also awesome.

The management of sounds and the sound pool in particular is really tedious.

But but … what if you created a lead sound using SY RAW on Track 1 ? Surely the “BD” would get annoying? Adding Tags when saving save sounds can help with finding them later, as the Sound Manager list can be filtered by them. Also, the Sound Browser will only let you preview sounds which are playable on the currently selected track, which kinda obviates many use cases for adding extra characters to your Sound Names. Screen space is limited: don’t fill it with redundant information.

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You know I had never really considered that the manager automatically filters the sounds based on applicability to the track.