New Teenage Engineering products

This will sell very well I think. I guess/hoping next up is Tonic 2.


I believe its due to VAT?

Oh wow, Cuckoo says it’s the first in the EP series :open_mouth:

Yeah Tonic 2 has gotta be next. I wonder though, a lot of the synth engine ones are a little too basic for one device, maybe they’ll be combing those into one?

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no its not possible currently. hopefully it might happen in a future update.
But like always, buy the device for what it can do now and not for what you hope it might be able to do in the future

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Shit I was in meetings until now. Haven’t read the specs but looks fucking dope!

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Yeah I ended up preordering mine from my local shop. That’s where I got my analog heat so fast.

Not shilling but Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II - Powerful Sampler and Sequencer - Control Voltage

You could probably order form patchwerks or perfect circuit in US but I haven’t checked.


Absolutely! Resampling would be a great feature but the current offer seems like tons of fun.

Needs resampling.

Love at first sight, ordered one already. Finally not another ‘DAW in a box’ and something that looks genuinely fun to mess around with! Can’t wait to pair it with the ST.

You really should stop working so hard, and start playing Swedish music toys more

Another rec for control voltage, they’ve always been good to me, and don’t charge tax for CA residents, so there’s a free 10% off always

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I’m just going to sample back and forth between OP-1 and EP-133 :slight_smile:


This is a great product. Fits between PO’s and SP404 features with some SP doesn’t even have. All in a sexy small package for less than an SP costs. Impressive.

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Looks so nice. Great price. And judging by the Andertons video it sounds really nice and fun to use. Top job TE :clap:

Seems a bit too big tho

have they missed a 9 off the end of the price?

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To all of you that are having difficulties at TE site from the US, go to Musicians Friend / Guitar Center / Perfect Circuit / Control Voltage / B&H Photo

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Damn. I was actually hoping for a huge revamp of the OP-1 Field, making it capable of recording midi information rather than just audio on tape. This product looks cool and all though :slight_smile:

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It’s probably a loss leader or at least not making that much money for all the R&D put in, but they probably planned to make up for it in accessories sales. Nice that TE is still the company I saw them as which was affordable fun stuff. Hopefully the build quality is okay.

If it’s not needlessly expensive enough for you, there’s a 733 euro version with some shorts and a bag too.

they thought of everything!

(it actually does look cool, huh?)