New Roland AIRA/Boutique instruments 9.09

I have no opinion on the boutiques, as I have no firsthand experience with them (unlike the Airas and the OG boxes they are modeled after)

IMO it is always crucial to base opinions on firsthand experience, rather than product demo videos for example. Minimizing confirmation bias and all that.

But I must admit that ever since mostly abandoning ITB, I have become increasingly sceptical of “digital emulations”. I often think that designing systems that sound good on their own merits is more worthwhile than trying to clone an existing musical instrument design with different components/techniques than the original. Subpar reinterpretations exist in most forms of creative culture, why wouldn’t they also manifest themselves in instrument design?


I think the thing with Roland is that their 80s machines are so much a part of the language of dance music that people will always, always want that sound.

Personally, I studiously avoided Roland for years for that very reason - thought it would only lead to clichés and tired old moves. Until I realised that I was spending so much time unsuccessfully trying to get other gear to sound like a Juno because that was the sound that I needed, that I’d better just bite the bullet and buy a Juno.

Was at the point of overpaying ridiculously for a 106 with a broken voice chip when it occurred to me to check out the JU06, which I’d long before written off as a hipster toy - listened to some demos, drove to a shop to try it out and ended up paying about a third of the money I was set to drop on the 106 for what is imho a great sounding box that hits the spot almost every time. I honestly don’t care whether it’s 100% faithful or whatever, it works perfectly in my setup.

Similar thing, I always wonder why people would pay the price of a Rytm and an A4 (and a bit of an OT with the way it’s been going) for a 909 when they could get a Rytm that can do so much more - you know, why go for this simple old instrument when you can have something really innovative and cutting edge. Guess it comes back to the same old story. 909 is the A-B-Cs of electronic music, and if you’re working anywhere within that tradition, you need to have it in some shape or form.

Think about all the amazing records that have been made with reissue/Jap/Mex Strat/Telecaster/Les Pauls, knock off versions of seminal amps, solid state instead of tubes - you could call them subpar reinterpretations, but they’ve given musicians the tools they need. Could be that dance/electronic music is just hitting a similar the point of maturity - as well as the vintage instruments becoming unserviceable, rare or expensive - that I find it hard to object to affordable reissues of the seminal instruments.

Of course I’d love to see some more innovation from Roland - my biggest wishlist item atm would be something like an Arturia origin where you could swap out oscillators, filters, mod sources modelled from the classics - but for now if they’re putting solid versions of these sounds - even if not perfect - in the hands of musicians who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access them, I think that’s good for electronic music culture in general.


Would love for Roland to release ACB versions of the 909, 808 and 303, would be an instant purchase. I own the JP-08 and JU-06 and they sound amazing, the only reason I don’t won a TR-8 is because it is a sin how ugly that thing is…


Ok, well let’s put it this way: Having used 808 and 909 samples “to get by” since 1995 has left a craving in me for the real thing that will not be quenched easily. I have grown up with x0x replicas claiming to be “just as good as the real thing”, but I kinda feel like all the emulations have an assymptotic curve function built in - every nuGen emu is better than the last. But when will it finally equal the real thing? And how many times have I bought the “same” box by then?

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Can’t anyone actually buys into that ACB crap. These things can literally run as plugins inside your DAW. All your paying for at the end is a tiny plastic computer with tiny shitty faders and knobs to host a plugin

Roland need get the finger out and just re-make the classics.


I really don’t want to get into this age old argument about originals versus new modelled versions as its a waste of time.
Expecting more from Roland has nothing to do with them accidentally making classic machines that have defined genres and lifetimes in equal measure.
It’s because up to and including the V-synth XT they have been a major player in the gear business.

But since they have been more than guilty of poor, ugly designs and operating systems that are sub par, often the manuals they produce skirt around the capabilities of their units even, they are con artists.

It’s great that so many people are happy with the modelled stuff but hell on sticks Roland do something new, original that isn’t a re-Kakehashi-d box that is a static representation of an organic machine from your misty past.

I need to avoid this thread to be honest!

Good luck anyways…


Not enough neon green in this thread to be honest. :recycle:

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I don’t need the re-issues of 808, 909, 303 in boutique format, but still instant buy from me, don’t care if they are real analog or ACB, battery powered sofa acid setup, put em on a dinner tray and serve up some retro jams, nice :slight_smile:

Biggest hope from me is that they have sync jacks compatible with Volcas etc, but not a dealbreaker if they don’t.


Alright I’ll speculate a little…
808/909/303 … maybe a 101 boutique, and then a big brother multi-model poly similar to the system 1. Like the tr8 is to the drum machines, a bigger keyboard that loads multiple polyphonic models (the JP, JX, and JU they already have done).

For everyone saying Roland won’t do anything new, has anyone actually used the A-01? That seems like what people are asking for, a new instrument, but I hear almost nothing about it.
I mean the thing has a built-in synth, Bluetooth midi (which I think is the coolest development in a while), analog cv out, and a built in sequencer? It’s no Elektron, but that’s a pretty unique mix of capabilities in a small and affordable box - some creative mixing of worlds there and yet nobody is talking about it.

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Yeah, I really just want a TR-8 mkII. Just black with white text. No weird lights or green slime highlights. A non-alien-spaceship-angled heavy-duty metal box would be nice. 808, 909, 707, 606 comes standard. Adequate individual outs. No scatter function necessary. Some basic sample loading like Korg Volca Sample? $600-ish?

Love the layout and simplicity of the TR-8, but right now it just looks and feels kinda goofy, imo.

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Serato and roland just released a teaser video with DJ jazzy Jeff. Looks like a sampler with a turntable - possibly drum machine combo?

Its supposed to be for 2 people to operate and sounds very bizarre.



Sorry. Here it is

Where do you get the impression it is for 2 people? And what have you heard that is bizarre?

From what I can tell, it’s a sampler with a built in turntable like interface so you can scratch your samples quickly. Maybe not even that - maybe they are just using serato technology for timestretching samples. Maybe it’s a sampler with a phono input that reads timecode…they are definitely scratching something…whether an actual turntable or a control surface, who knows.

DJ-70 stylee, sorry not checked the link, I shouldn’t even be here!

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They’re not scratching they’re trying to wipe off the Roland paint job :wink:


Nice! I have been wishing something like this tackled by the industry for a while now. This will pave the way for new forms of turntablism, where the records will no longer be static music files “but something highly malleable”. Add some synthesis options like FM and we’re talking!

Some scratching must be involved with all those A list tablists in the second video

I think the ‘2 players 1 sound’ headline prob just refers to the a Roland/Serato team-up. Hopefully… God knows with Roland tho :wink:

I took the 2 players to be, well, 2 players… I could be wrong. That to me is the bizarre part. Not many instruments require 2 people…

Surely it’s going to be a serato control AIRA turntable? The website is all green like aira…

Is it the fabled roland sampler that has been doing the rumour rounds since that guy leaked it on

‘Our’ very own SFX-6 was touted as a 2 player interface and way back when I had mine (should have kept it) I used to twist it up whilst my brother played the keys and joystick.
Good family fun…

Shit, I’m still reading this thread!