New PUSH 3 MPE, Standalone option...out now!

Only early models. They haven’t had that rubbery coating for years.

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Good to know - External Instrument for the win!

Mine are due to be boxed up. I can see how the elektrons can be quicker to set up and add ease to performance; but the options on the push are far outweighing the limitations of the elektrons - for me. (At least the AR, DT and ST are out. AK and DN can probably stay. And potentially the AHFX)

OT, undecided.


Interested to know if they updated the buttons. The buttons on the Push 2 felt like flimsy trash.

Could someone who actually received a unit create a “Push 3 actual users thread”
1.4 k posts of copium, hopium and sadgeness sucks to read up to find some real info :crazy_face:


Yes, I second this. I would also like a dedicated Push 3 thread for sharing tips, tricks, demos etc. This topic reflects more of the launch announcement. Next week the rest of us will be getting deep into our devices.

EDIT: Here we go


Yes, I got a similar email quite early in the morning (1 am). Haven’t heard anything since. My card hasn’t been charged yet and order status is still “processing”.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Stupid off topic post

thanks for the verification that it’s not just me! i will try my hand at patience.

Here’s something I made with maxforlive for Push 2 and ported to Push 3, a device to switch, randomize and create variations on the Button Matrix

So, maxforlive is working fine standalone :slight_smile:




I don‘t think restock will take long to be honest. Everyone who wants one, will get one. I think they would be dumb to not cash in over this inital hype, so production will be on fire. Just a little underestimated I think.

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I gave up DT, but I’m keeping ST just for the point of keeping things simple but you’’re absolutely right… It’s a different process.

Standalone seems to be Session view connected a Push, with less features available than working on a computer, but I don’t see that as a bad thing.

The fact that you don’t need a computer is exactly the headspace I’m at and a major reason I picked up DT in the first place.

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How is the OP1 Field coming in at more than this?


Confirmed the buttons are not the same as before. Much better click.


A few folks notes the left/right on the jog pad doesn’t move the letter selector in the keyboard (typing keyboard) - it actually moves the cursor left/right, which makes more sense.


See the following thread for actual user reports. I encourage you to add your experiences and observations there:


Yeah I had the same thoughts and im not a TE basher and own the OP-1F

Just saw that this is user upgradable. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Remember the good old days when you do that to your Mac pro

Kudos Ableton

Ok than Does follow action settings that were set on computer at least play on standalone or is follow action completely disabled on standalone?