New Plastikman released on Video first

Best thing I’ve heard in years but then I don’t get out much - interested to hear others opinions.

Personally I like it a lot, but I was a little bummed that this was “just” a live recording and not a proper studio experience, sounds more like building blocks than full tracks, especially compared to earlier plastikman releases. Crossing my fingers this means more plastik will come soon :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link, lesson in minimalism, orchestration & how to use a high pass filter :slight_smile:
He does a lot with some very simple building blocks, really milks it. Everytime I hear something like this I realise how much I over complicate everything lol
Really enjoying it, this is gonna sound huge live!

Edit. Oh it is live?

I read somewhere that it was recorded at/for an art show or something.
I love it - so spacious and love the way the percussion kind of teases.

My one disappointment is that it’s almost too laid back - not a criticism - but I kept feeling like I really wanted some of the acid lines to explode a bit more.

Need to have a few more listens - YouTube isn’t ideal.

Would love to hear more opinions.

recorded in NYC at gugenheim.

version of his live show from a few years back… all new material though.

it’s cool but lacks all the mojo of plastikman stuff that i really like. as someone said… seems more like “building blocks”

my fav plastik man tracks are the ones where it sounds like he just turned on all the machines and jammed for an hour and picked out the best 8 minute bits. this stuff just doesn’t have the same feel to me.

edit - here’s the link to the info about the performance

very glad he’s back as plastikman. this won’t push consumed out of my rotation however.

As much as i respect richie hawtin for his influence on electronic music, i am pretty much amused by his elevated touch. The tracklisting reads:
Therefore the name EX. I mean… Sounds like straight out of a bad powerpoint presentation to me :wink:

Soundwise it fits pretty good to the fashion/design thing, imho

EDIT: sorry richie, didnt want to insult you - I meant “elevated”, not “pathetic” :wink:

This won’t push any of his other stuff out of my rotation, nor namlook, nor others but I can tell you this, it will sure make it in…I thought it was great…but then again it is one my fav. types of music…I enjoy spending hours and hours making it too…all for my own pleasure. :slight_smile:

~45, exhale…lush…two thumbs up

All the endless Hawtin hype and bashing that goes on really is a load of boring old nonsense.

This however is what it is and is a great listen end of story.

I’ve never paid attention to the hype/bash myself so I’m not up to date on it.

I know good stuff when I hear it though (at least good in my subjective opinion). :slight_smile: