I think that Elektron should repack parts of their best developements to create new machines.
Examples ?
A simple midi sequencer based on OT sequencer (or half) to sequence other gear and with multiple midi outs. A 4track for example.
A simple monophonic expander based on 1/4 A4 with its effects (reverb, chorus, delay).
A simple effect processor based on OT effects with midi sync & plocks.
No new developments needed, no NRCs. Only repacks. S/W Updates of the parent machines could be shared with new modules.
Idealy, these modules would be half packaged: Same height but half width.
Of course, it’s my point of view and maybe Elektron think that this kind of modules would compete their own products by allowing competitor’s machines to be sequenced by a 4track (for ex).
I would like to see Elektron bring out some more stripped down versions of their gear. There is enough hype about Elektron at this point that if they could do a sub $500 device it would probably sell very well…maybe the Analog One? But I’m in no rush to see it happen until they catch up with the current demand and workload and can give some update TLC to their existing gear…in fact, I’m a bit wary of investing more money into their stuff until I see this happening. I’d much rather not see a new product from them until 2016 and have all the kinks worked out in the meantime.
I also don’t think it’s going to happen. If they left midi sequencing out of the Analog line so you would have to buy an Octatrack, I can’t imagine they would release simpler versions that would fill in the gaps. If you want the milk, you have to buy the cow.
i’m just drooling thinking of tasty physical controls for filter/res and the multiple LFOs and oscillator tuning etc a la make noise DPO/furthrr generator/kilpatrick k3020
I love Cenk dearly & I mean no disrespect but if I’m gonna have a 3D hologram in my bedroom I’m afraid it isn’t going to be him!!!
How about (Miss) Dataline then? If we put on some make-up and dress him up?
Although I haven’t taken one apart, I imagine that each device is very tightly integrated with surface-mount analogue and digital chips on a custom PCB.
The cost savings of removing some of the hardware would probably be cancelled out by the PCB redesign, manufacturing setup and testing needed - it’d probably only be economically viable at far higher sales volumes than a company the size of Elektron could achieve.