New Elektron Box 2016

If it is indeed stompbox-esque, hopefully that means it has some expression inputs that can handle CV.

So we have OctaPong Arcade and some kind of Elektron Guitar Hero Game :smiley:

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i just donā€™t buy the perfect shine on the screen. It is a classic render effect.

Could be true though. If it is realā€¦ Iā€™m still none the wiser if I want an elektronified Pigtronix Infinityā€¦

elektron piezo cake perhaps

expression pedal is a must, you can probably setup macros etcā€¦
on first impression, it seems super weird to me that it has the well-established tweaky bend-over interface, but also foot-switches - two physically incompatible input methods :loopy:

stompinā€™ & tweakinā€™

in 2016

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Seems weird the kickswitches themselves wouldnt be labeled, like the trigs are on the sequencer

Agree about screen shine looking fake

it should be more of a triangular wedge shape it it was a pedal A4-mini.

plus Iā€™ve never seen a more artistic covert filming before. It is like an episode of NYPD Blue in its poor camerawork by-design. .

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Given across the boxes I already have contain chorus distortion compression and delay, even overdrive, what would those 3 other settings be, if this box is real, that would warrant a purchase from already owning analog peeps

i guess judging from the name the effects in this box would be analog, unlike in the A4/AR. it looks kind of like the elektron take on the moogerfoogers in a multi fx version.

So fake itā€™s not even funnyā€¦ Ok, maybe a littleā€¦

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Now we split into the fake and non-fake factions.


Well, take a Oberheim Echoplex Pro and a Moogerfooger and whala!

The video is definitely made from a collage of some sorts

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Hopefully someone from Elektron pipes in and at least lets us know if this is a fake.

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ā€œAnalog DFXā€



ā€œSpace Travel Made Easyā€ makes things like this all the time. Well, maybe not all the time, but he did have this ā€œOP-2 WHAAAA?ā€ video with the description ā€œwe can but dream ;)ā€ (the wink emoticon was part of his post).

As with Apple rumors, Iā€™ve long learned that nothing is real until it is real. Speculate all you want. Look at any leak or rendering you want. But nothing is real until ā€¦ heck, sometimes until shipment, as products get refined.

Iā€™m going back to dreaming of physical modeling and time displacement. And maybe of dreaming of how my lazy bones could make my own blurry picture worth that could spawn off another 72 comments :slight_smile:


Hahahah, are we gonna split into believers and non-believers? Nobody has yet asked him what ā€œindustry eventā€ he shot this atā€¦
I love the mischief, though :smile_cat:


use these
itā€™s clearly fake


i would think. its like the Roland Aira MX1. with overbridge.
so effects. a few sequencer tracks. a few audio ins. daw control. but also just mix control over overbridge stuff. like each Rtym voice etc.