New Elektron Box 2016


P lockable multi track (6 mono- 3 stereo) fx unit.
Analog distortion and overdrive, digital reverb, digital delay, phaser, chorus, flanger, granular and gating. (And more machine fxs)
4 fx per stereo track.
Playable mixer and macro (performance) controls for fx.
No midi out.
Cv in and out.
Priceā€¦ ā‚¬850

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Yes, that sounds plausible.

Plus high-bandwidth USB 2 or USB 3 output via Overbridge to computer.

Why no midi out?

Yes OB to process DAW sounds! Forgot about that! :slight_smile:
No midi out like in the range of the latest analogue machines. I think the OT still is the multitrack sequencer machine that covers midi out, in an fx unit probably it will have midi in and out for sinc and program change, but for sequencing external units, only cv

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Iā€™m gonna attempt yet another guess: Itā€™s an iOS and/or Android app.

Think about it: totally fits with the video, doesnā€™t cannibalize any of the hardware, fills a void that has previously been filled by third-parties making things for the app store like Strom (which, by the way, is very much on Elektronā€™s radar, as their release notes for recent updates to the Rytm mention it by name), isnā€™t in the shape of existing boxes, is VERY affordable, and puts them in touch with a much, much, much wider audience. It would be an extension of their software interests with Overbridge. Itā€™ll probably be helpful, it will probably serve to sell a whole lot more Electkron Analog boxes, and it will probably be so cheap as to be a no-brainer for everyone on this forum that has a compatible device.

If we have any luck and they stay with their reputation for innovation, it will probably expand the paradigm of what people think of doing with iOS apps. In a way, Strom already kind of did that by allowing you to send samples to a Rytm. You guys will probably think of examples, but I canā€™t really think of any other iOS apps that expand the functionality of hardware like that. I suppose some gear makers like Eventide have iOS programmers for their gear, but Strom actually added functionality to the Rytm that didnā€™t exist without it, namely live sample record + transfer without using dedicated sysex.

So this app, if thatā€™s indeed what this is, might open up whole new features for existing Elektron boxes.

What might that look like?

What about letting you use the Rytm as the synth engine for an Impaktor-type live drumming app? What about letting you use the Analog Four as a dedicated effects box for external inputs? Or as the analog-filter-equipped front end of an iOS sampling app?

This could actually be pretty exciting, not to mention less damaging to my personal finances :slight_smile:

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my bet is it is a ā€˜gadgetā€™ as has been mentioned by some retailers under NDA. i.e. it wonā€™t be a full elektron box in the sense of an MNM/OT/A4. Instead it will be something much more affordable, but deserving of the elektron logo/premium.

something to do with a microphone fits the video (hand claps) and the ā€˜studioā€™ aspect that has been mentionedā€¦

Perhaps a Zoom H4N-type thing with overbridge so you can use it as a vst soundcard, that records and shoot samples to the rytm over sds with the press of a button makes sense.

Plenty of room though for sync ingenuity for such a small handheld device.

Iā€™d be really surprised if it is a box in the same form factor as the existing line up.


I like this.
If memory serves correctly, the issue with USB 2 and above on the analog boxes was noise/crosstalk from the analog synth components.
Full bandwidth OB would probably have a higher track count.

This is why the teaser campaign excites me more than it frustrates me. Itā€™s another opportunity to imagine.

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No more need to speculate; itā€™s Overhub MKII. Itā€™s going to have 8 ports instead of 7, is a bit thinner, and has an improved paint job that is less prone to scuffs and chipping.


One more stab: If itā€™s more than one, and itā€™s smaller: Elektron FX pedals (some with mic pres?) with a p-lockable mini-sequencer and USB for OB.

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Ok ā€¦ Elektronā€¦ i try it this way:

I have the AR, A4 & OT. To keep things in order i have to buy a 2-end-cheeks stand for my AR & A4. Do i need a second one? :ecstatic:

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Iā€™d be so pleased if this was going to be some sort of portable looper/recorder/FX box that would let me capture and tweak some impromptu jams here and there, with the possibility to bring the results later to the studio via solid overbridge connectivity.
Iā€™m pretty curious about the ā€œelementsā€ factor at the very beginning of trailer. Smaller boxes dedicated to each element, or one bigger one that rues them all ? Hmmm

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Audio interface with analog effects or a few different pedals a la moogerfoogers. Elektronatons?

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what I find really interesting in the video is, what Cenk is saying around min 55:00 about Midi ā€¦ so my fingers are still crossed for a future update :3lektron: ANALOG MIDI

As someone mention before: a kind of field recorder would totally make sense! Using the recording as soundsources for the Rytm. ItĀ“s mobile, itĀ“s not so expensive. But I guess it will have a totally new interface as we know from existing field recorders ā€¦ btw. I love my tascam for recording my sets. And as IĀ“m writing these words, it would make even more sense. Cenk mention the upload to soundcloud, youtube or elektronauts. So yeah a small recorder is the missing link when you are not bringing your laptop to your live gig.

Could also have trigger inputs to get triggered via CV from A4 or via IMPULS machines form the Rytm.

:3lektron: ANALOG FIELD


Maybe the tape over the name means they are developing a whole new subsidiary. Proton? Lol. I thought what someone said about iOS was pretty interesting. Me personally, Im not a fan of touchscreen-based interactivity. The call on it being a studio box has me more perplexed - which leads me to believe it is primarily an Overbridge tool. Going off what Cenk said when he said they had thought about developing OB for iOS, but decided to go after the studio guys first, itā€™s a roundabout way of saying OB is a studio tool. After that maybe theyā€™ll go after the iOS folk. I bet developing OB revealed a lot of things to Elektron that they couldnā€™t quite squeeze out of the current Analog series, and the new box would be a physical realisation of those insights. Still guessing tho lol

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hereā€™s the thing with iOS: you canā€™t install drivers, and the current OB implementation relies on a custom driver for low level USB stuff. I think they went down this path to be able to optimize latency etcā€¦

Dunno how it is now, I donā€™t use OB, but this driver caused kernel panics and other problems on my Mac.

Itā€™s kind of obvious how Apple doesnā€™t want you to install kernel-level stuff which can compromise the stability of the entire OS.

So anyway, Elektron would need to make OB run on class-compliant USB protocols if they want it on iOS. Which is kind of a big IF, from my experience.

IMO, donā€™t get your hopes up for thatā€¦


If I were going to make OB work on iOS, I would do it by communicating with the device over what iOS thought of as a digital audio channel. That would surely have enough bandwidth and reasonably low latency.

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It will be overbridge enabled, I do not have any doubt about it. But I do not think it will be primarily a OB tool.
OB will make it easier to dive in, to set up for example a couple of projects, then take it to a studio or wherever you want to make you recordings then after having ā€˜TAPEDā€™ the rough material you can take it back to mix it in your favorite DAW, but this would be just one of the various options to use it. That it might be developed for studio use, doe not mean you have to. Take it with you to ā€˜TAPEā€™ your livesetā€¦ and make use of the extra effects on boardā€¦ Take it to have a jamsession, 4 people, 4 different :3lektron: machines, tweaking the hell out of it and put it on :3lektron: TAPEā€¦ there you GO!!

I like to add to it, that I do not expect it will be just a recording device, it will be a musical instrument, playableā€¦ this time no sequencer but loads of effects, different kind of audio routings, play your tracks, reverse, speed it up, slow it down, completely transform the incoming soundsā€¦ who knows???