New Elektron Box 2016

A mixer with such a small display?

Looks more like a synth/fx box to me

Whatever… it’s time… release the mask

dude this thread has 22,000 views… :quirky:

btw - hell yes with this reply number :evil:


maybe the new product is more 50$ t-shirts


It would be awesome if it was a 488 meets elektron!

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Elektron AnalogFX

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Does a looper make sense?

It does. it’s called Octatrack :smiley:

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Ha ha… for that, first I need to know WOOT it is!!!


How do we even know that this last image is a tease?
Seems to be in line with other photography that coincided with the site redesign.

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I don’t know anything to be honest. These “what’s inside the box”, “omg a usb hub” marketing “thingies” Elektron have been doing haven’t been effective for me. I just get annoyed. Are they teasing right now? I don’t even know. I never know anything.

why put tape on an A4 though?

I dont know , tape -> tape machine with analog fx ?

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For awhile I was betting they make a digital + analog synth hybrid and use the A4/AK boxes to re-use the design aesthetic and save on construction while completely redo the circuitry.

Not looking wrong so far:)

To keep things in check :mask:

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Could be true :thup:

Technically doesn’t “reuse” anything from MDUW/MnM (since they claim its a new design) but allows their digital niche to continue.

hmm or maybe they are going to release several boxes? that’d make all these “clues” rather difficult to decipher, since we wouldn’t know what points to which box :smile_cat:

Why are they doing this to us? Is it supposed to increase the odds of me spending money on one? Do they not like us or something?

“haha, I know something you don’t know…” - that’s all I hear in my head

Cenk said it’s gonna change the way you make music. Plockable tape?