New Digitakt Tutorial: Working with Breakbeats

Started a new series of Digitakt tutorials. This should be helpful for beginners who are interested in working with breakbeats and longer drum loops on the DT.


amazing tutorial!!! more more more!!


This is a must watch for any DT or potential DT owners. And the jam at the end… daaaaamn soooooooooon! :ok_hand:


Nice one - thanks for sharing!

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yes. this clearly shows what can be done on the DT with a basic sample.
I should share it in the TR8S vs Digitakt thread :wink:

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other tips …

put a delay send on a trigless trig with fill , when you hold page down it’ll send out a snippet to the delay. (seem to work better since 1.06)
also use retrig on a step , different pitches , reverse and it’ll start going crazy.

i usually have a delay with higher frequencies , time around 48 , feedback around 99/100 for a nice long dubby delay.
sweep the filter , nudge the feedback over / under 100 , and change the delay time for it to start going odd.

nice tutorial too .


This is an awesome tutorial! I don’t fully understand the drone step yet, but am going to try this out when I get home tonight. Never thought you could easily get sounds like that out of the Amen break!