New Analog Rytm, same old problem

Aw man, too bad, that wold be balls-to-the-wall fun.

As long as the Master is not some “crazy” length and CHNG is 2, you should be fine.


Thanks for all the input into his, Ive been having a play this afternoon and got a performance workflow I’m happy with.
8 Patterns per song on the OT equals 16 songs in a performance using 8 banks so the AR is just following the OT patterns and everything is great. A slight change in my technique with using more parts etc to fit in all the different elements into 8 patterns on the OT but got 5 weeks till my next gig so got plenty of time to get this set up :slight_smile:

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Sorry to dig into an old thread, but having the same problem described where the AR changes patterns one pattern late. However I’m sending it CC from an MPC Live.

If the original issue was going to be solved (back in Jan) then it sure isn’t solved yet, unless I’m doing something wrong. (easily possible)

Also, when I first start my sequence, I can’t send any CC from the MPC or there is a double beat and the whole thing is out of sync. But if I start with an MPC pattern that has no CC’s set, it’s fine, then when I change patterns on the MPC (sending the CC’s) the AR will change to the right pattern the second time around.

I assumed this was not going to be a problem, but, blah ‘!’

I am using Rytm and A4 dawless with my MPC Live and sometimes with Ableton. I like the stepsequencers of my Elektron boxes so i most likely would like to program sequences in Rytm/A4 and switch patterns with MPC or Ableton. With both approaches I always face the same problem that pattern switches comes one bar too late. Therefore I am limited to arrangement view in Ableton where I shift Elektron pattern changes one bar left. On my MPC Live I program sequences in MPC and can´t therefore make use of the Elektron sequencer features as p-locks, and so on.

I cant understand that Elektron isn´t able or willing to fix this problem which exists for some years… I was able to find some discussions about this topic but no real solution. Which approach do you use? With the upcoming/updates of overbridge. Is there a lag-free solution to switch pattern via overbridge?

Thanks for reading

The Machinedrum, Monomachine and analogfour all have a multimap mode where you can trigger patterns instantly via a user determined midi note. I really don’t know why they didn’t incorporate this into the rytm and Octatrack, but as an unconfirmed ‘possible’ workaround you could possibly setup the rytm to match to program changes on the analogfour (so that eg. Pattern A02 on a4 triggers Pattern A02 on rytm) and then trigger multimap notes on the analogfour from the mpc.

Unfortunately I am too stupid for this approach. I managed to program pattern changes (C0 for A01 and so on) in multimap on my A4 but A4 doesn´t respond (Do I have to enable it in another sub-menu?).

I think I do something wrong in Ableton: I create a Midi track, switch midi out to “Elektron Analog four”. Ch1 plays Track1, so the connection to A4 seems okay. I switch to Ch16. Then I create a 4bar loop which plays the note C0 - nothing happens. Do I have to create an “External Instrument”?

sorry, but I´m a total hardware noob… Obviously I miss some fundamental midi knowledge.

Maybe you could help me to get this stuff going?


Try sending C-1 or C-2 from Ableton.

Reason: there is no standard numbering for octaves across all different DAWs and instruments. C0 on one side may be C-1 or C-2 on the other side …