Need CV ? .. try C-la-V-ia

apparently there’s some CV fun to be had from the Nord modular range - only from the headphone socket so two channels at going on +/- 8 V

check muffs and electro-music for instructions (no modding) yhbw

not gonna loose sleep about this myself on account of a relative shortage of destinations compared to sources, but the control available to tailor the signal is gonna be immense, even better than the A4 !

Edit: see below ! Not so hot on the G1s after all !

wait a minute… what?!

Do you mean G2 or G1?

wait a minute… what?!

Do you mean G2 or G1?[/quote]
Every single unit, G2, G1, including the MicroModular !
It’s therefore possible to set up external midi sequencing and cv sequencing/modulating in the same patch :wink:

edit: no midi seq from g1

hey, this is a classic trick

you can perform a simple mod in the nord modular´s outputs, removing caps to make them all export DC voltages

this old thread from 2006 explain it in detail

excellent, i’d heard of these mods, for outs and ins too !

FTR - The G1K and MM I have only knock out in the region of +/- 1.8 V via the headphone tap - can’t speak for G2 - seems less likely when you think about the numbers …

So the moral of the story is not to believe stuff you see/write on the internets !!

^ including that
you can double the voltage by craftily sending the same signal to two versions of the output

and anecdotally there’s possibly some more mV to be found by adding voices !

That range, appx -3.4 > +3.4, is coincidentally nicely limited for use as a sidecar CV utility for your Korg Volca Modular.

Be sure to gain it as shown above (and max out the volume pot on the NMM)

Lots of fun to be had with clock CV and sound with all that logic at your disposal, not to forget its inputs for tracking incoming clock too - another option to midi sync a pulse driven device too

Had a bunch of fun in a quick try out - especially getting some controlled chaos out to the korg.

Remember, only the two CV lanes via the headphones’ TRS (just like one of the two A4 Mk1 CV out sockets)

Reminds me of this old video I made using MD for CV


The cable in this image discussed here is super handy for this (obvs with 3.5mm to 6.35mm TRS in Nord) - you just need to earth onto the Korg somehow

You might want to look into Axoloti too - you could add a pin header to it so that it can interface with your VM, think it should be fairly compatible signal wise with the VM with some resistors and zeners where needed.

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Yes, forgot about the potential with that kind of I/o - I need to fetch it from the drawer of pending things - my reluctance to dig into mine has been that I feel it needs a case - it’s all a bit exposed currently - must find myself a case of sorts before too long - that is a terrific device to harness for this kind of thing :thup:

Initially I just screwed mine onto a breadboard, protected the underside from shorts ok, and handy for prototyping:

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sweet - just ordered those header pins and sockets (more than I needed due to minimum order) - but good to know they’ll be handy on the Axoloti for this and that - I’ve lots of those female jumpers - but not so much stuff that sits nicely lined up at 2.54mm pitch into a bread board like that

Here is the pinout for the I/O, might want to use protection as I think it is all 3.3v max, yeah a 40pin male or female header strip makes trying stuff quick and easy.

Might be worth getting some uln2803 etc for interfacing with external stuff, or just use opamps etc.

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