Need advice on a trade

Hi guys
Actually I have a digitakt with which i’m sequencing my modular and do the drums,also have a machinedrum sps 1 mkii. I found a guy who would trade an octatrack mk 2 for my two elektron machines.
I creat technoish housish beats.
So here is my question: Is that a good trade ?

I wouldn’t. Many I know greatly regret parting with their machindrum.


Keep your machines and still get an octatrack


I dont think I would give up my machinedrum SPS for my OT. What are you thinking you would get out of the OT that you are missing now?

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I made the mistake of selling both, my machinedrum and my digitakt and kept my octatrack mk1. I’ve just recently purchased another machinedrum and am anxiously awaiting its homecoming. The digitakt purchase will be next. Don’t part ways with either of them, save up and buy a new octatrack to add to them. TRUST ME!!!

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Machinedrum is an awfully sweet box. With a digi, too?! I wouldnt say its worth it. The Octa is OK, but the pickups are straight GARBAGE. The only feasible way to work with it is to import samples. And the thing doesnt go beyond four bars in sequence. I’m not sure that im pleased with my aquisition. Its a lot of quid for a machine that is only mediocre with the sound (so far)




Tell that person “you crazy”.

I haven’t seen Elvis yet so it would be a big nope from me!

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Unlike the other commenters I don’t miss my Machinedrum. It doesn’t sound particularly fun to just have an OT, though. Do you have other equipment?

I could never sell my Machinedrum. I love the immediacy and fun of it! Don’t sell!!!

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Don’t do it

I traded a Digitakt plus for an Octatrack mk1 straight up and was very happy with the trade but I can’t imagine adding my Machinedrum to the deal (even for an MK2). The Octatrack and Machinedrum are a great combo.

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I also do not like the sound that Mutch…
This is my rack:

Unless absolutely certain, never and I mean NEVER trade or sell an Elektron box. You’ll end up with instant regret and buying it back again. So don’t let us persuade you. You’ve got to be certain.


I also need some advice on a trade.
I have a Kaossilator Pro +. Is an Akai Mini AK worth the trade?

What do you use the Machinedrum for?
What would you use the Octatrack for?


I use the machinedrum to get over the lack of a song mode of the digitakt.
But right now I just didn’t use the machinedrum that much so I’ll definetely keep both machines and will try to create some beasts of drumsets. Any tips for the machinedrum ? I found the sind kind of „hollow“.
Merry christmas all :slight_smile:

are you crazy? The Digitakt is superior for your needs (mainly in the MIDI tracks!!)! And the MD …no comment… just keep both!

Just couldn’t get that much out of the machinedrum.
I find the sound is quite „hollow“.
You have any Tipps ?
Definetly will keep them and use the sps 1 with more affort to learn how to integrate it