NAMM 2020 : Actual News/Releases

I couldnt choose a favourite to post


Dude. Those videos got incrementally better. Thanks for sharing all of them!


If NASA designed a synth it would look and sound like this.


Holy shit batman!
Any word on price?

Word is between $49 and $99 for each module.

Iā€™d like to know if they plan to sell the whole system.


The designer has an engineering background and used to work in Formula 1, so youā€™re not far off the mark.

might be cool? all i do in a daw is recordingā€¦butā€¦ MAC and thunderbolt only? i have a twin/usb =(

I really hope nothing comes out that I want.


Yeah thatā€™s I was looking for. Hopefully buying the whole system at once will be even cheaper. Iā€™m guessing $1300 - $1500 range.

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Someones grandma is going to get them this thinking itā€™s Maschine


Yup just like when you have a relative go to Asia and buy you a knock off game boy.

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praying we see some no talking demos of the megafm cause twisted electronsā€™ SoundCloud demos are pretty useless lol

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Megafm looks dope. Love all the controls on the surface. Sounds really good too!


been hoping weā€™ll see some more info so i can figure out if iā€™m gonna buy one or not :sweat_smile:

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I chat with Tw.Eā€™s main (synth designer) from time to time, really cool katā€¦he told me about this one a bit before the release, I have to say they did it properā€¦sounds amazing! the only synth Iā€™m interested so far. The chipset has a knarly dirty low end and lots of character. MegaFM is the definitely the most mature of the products available with the YM2612 chipset (kasser synths has a single chip version synth available with the choice of either the ym2612/ym3436 a less noise version of the same chip) definitely worth checking out, if youā€™re on a budget.


Just curious, in case I missed it: was any sort of digital drum synthesizer announced? (Machinedrum type thing)



Seems Elektron is not even participating at NAMM?

Are they developing anything new anymore? Itā€™s been two years since their last proper box (not counting M:S, which is one year old) and even longer since their last proper big box.

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