My music journey on the Syntakt


Just over a year ago, after messing about a few times with a pals model:cycles, I finally took the plunge and bought myself a Syntakt. I had done zero music production before aside from occasionally messing with friends modular rigs and drum machines.

I have been DJing Techno/House/Hardcore/Jungle/everything-else for over 20 years though if that is worth anything :slight_smile:

I decided to start up a sort of video diary to chart my progress whereby I would periodically upload my latest sketches:

Lately I’ve been experimenting with bringing some sampling into my practice - being a bit short on cash for now I am using Koala on my phone:

I love this community, it makes the instrument so much more valuable to me knowing there is this wealth of guidance at my finger tips!


Koala is superior to 90% of hardware samplers.