My Digitone issues (so far)

Apologies if any of this has been addressed before.
New to Elektronauts, not new to Elektron though.

I find these Digitone issues odd and somewhat frustrating tbh:

1 - When a recorded track is playing isn’t there a way to audition a sound for it without loading the sound (via Yes)?

2 - Is it possible to pin the LFO Destination list?
Sometimes you need a little more time to hear the effect of a (slow) LFO and that list closes abruptly after a couple of seconds and reverts back to the previously selected Destination. :confused:

3 - Is there a way to retain Arp Settings when changing a sound?

4 - Can you apply the Sorting in the Sound Pool so that the sounds become actually sorted by sound type, ie BD, SN, HH… (instead of the order they were added)?

5 - Does the metronome not work over USB?


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I can answer a few:

  1. Not sure what you mean by recorded track, but if you dbl press a track and highlight sounds, you can play with them with the keyboard

  2. Not found a way to do this. It’s by design.

  3. I believe you’d have to set arp settings on the sound and then export the sound out

  4. Not that I’ve seen. But then I just use filter and scroll through

  5. Do you mean when sequencing in external gear or something else?


Hey ceetronic,

1 - My bad, let me try again:
When a track is playing let’s say a bass line, and you decide to change its Sound.
As you scroll down the list in the Sound Browser to find that perfect bass sound, you ideally want to hear what it would sound like with that recorded bass line and in the context of the song.
I was wondering why the highlighted sound in the Sound Browser doesn’t play what’s already recorded on the track or if I’m missing something?!
If not, I really hope Elektron would address that.

2 - I see, thanks. I was hoping there was some secret shortcut or something :slight_smile:

3 - Sorry I meant: is there a way to retain the Arp settings from one sound to another.
I realize that the Arp settings are tied to the currently loaded sound,
so when you load a different sound, the Arp turns off and it resets to the default settings.
I tried to copy the Arp Menu page from my old sound to the new sound but it doesn’t copy the Mode, Speed, Range or Note Length. It only copies two parameters: Offset (E knob) and Arp Length (F knob).

4 - Yeah I think I’ll do that too.

5 - I meant specifically with Overbridge, I can’t get the metronome to work when I’m programming the Digitone on the PC and sound is coming via the Digitone USB port.

This one really should be fixed, it’s a bug IMO. Very irritating and pointless behaviour. Just leave it there until you hit yes or change page.


Concerning point 1, I agree, it would be ideal to hear a browser sound in the context of a sequence. The only hack is to temp save your original (func + yes) and then load new sounds from the browser while your sequence is playing. If you find a sound you like, great. If not, hit func + no to revert back to your save state. Takes longer than browsing in place but is definitely workable.


all those things r quite annoying especially n1 and n3
and noone @ Elektron takes care!


Another thing I find a bit odd is:

6 - Say you want to add a chord to Trigger1
you go into Rec mode,
you hold Trigger1 + Add Notes,
you set Chord=On and Scale=Mixolydian (for example),
you select a chord you like
and hit Yes to apply.

Then you move on to Trigger9 to add your second chord,
again you hold Trigger9 + Add Notes
and… sadly the Add Notes page has reverted back to its default settings!! :confused:

You would think that the Digitone would remember your previous Add Notes settings so you can keep adding chords in the same scale, but no, total amnesia!

Here’s what’s weirder, if you try to edit Trigger1 (Trigger1+Add Notes), it doesn’t even remember the (Chord=On / Scale=Mixolydian) settings that we selected earlier,
the Add Notes page has reverted back to its default settings here too,
however it does remember the notes you selected. :man_shrugging:

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that’s a great idea, thanks!
I just hope that Elektron hasn’t given up on fine tuning little things like that (browsing sounds while playing sequence).

yeah 3- is driving me mad!
Elektron should come up with a way to lock the Arp settings so that they don’t revert when you change your sound.

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