Music Copyright is CRAP: A Collection of Cases

This, amen …

In this scenario it would mean having already enough money as is without the need of more money from dragging people to court for something I didn’t create. So given that I‘d be the same person as I am now (character wise) then yes, I would think the same simply because I would feel bad to live off other people’s work my entire life.

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I disagree. I think, if someone is smart and creates a new idea, be it technically or art doesn’t matter, this person should be honored and respected for the achievement and this means also to accept his or her right to decide what is done with it and to make money out of it.

If there is no copyright we would tell people to invest ressources to develop something on their own cost and accept that their work can be copied and moneytized by everybody.

Just as an example: If I copy a beautiful drawing of an artist by taking a photo, putting it on my computer and printing many copies to sell it as a poster, I spare myself the hard work, time, and talent to become an artist, I don’t need to have any idea of what could be drawn, and I even don’t have to invest time and ressources to create this piece of art. I only need a camera, a printer, some paper, and a “business idea”. IMO such business case is not correct ethically.

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Well the statute of Anne gave writers IPR for 14 years in 1710. Adjusted for increased life expectancy, that would be about 32.4 years today.
Seems pretty reasonable to me…

@GirTheRobot that video is brilliant :star_struck:
Learnt loads and I already had the same belief ,money dilutes art & music (give me a cave painting anyday).

I’m a DJ of many years and all underground bass music vibes with plagiarism. Hardcore ,through hiphop right back to Jamaican soundsystems.
(In fact djing is a creative form based on playing others recordings).

Loved it. Loads of brilliant research in there that educated.


Thanks man! Glad you liked it.

I wouldn’t say exactly money dilutes art and music…Grants and loans can certainly help aid art and music and get the artists where they want to go. I was just reading in David Byrne’s book about some musicians (Imogen Heap being one of them maybe?) getting grants for their work.

Yes, sampling is a whole other can of worms.

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Yeah sure - I may be a bit jaded by capitalism in general :face_with_head_bandage: