Multiple sounds per track?

it is possible to program more than one sample on a track? like in OT?

and/or change sounds / kits between patterns on the same project?

Definitely …

use p-locks to change sounds at any step. I havn’t tried this with the samples, but I think it shoud work too, because a sound is the combination of synth voice and sample.

Each pattern is linked to one kit. You can assign 128 kits to your patterns. If you change the kit of a pattern, the pattern will play different sounds.

For Sounds you will first need to copy the Sound to your Sound list. Then p-lock it by holdig down a steptrigger and turn the level knob.

awesome, thanks for your answers guys

Have you tried playing with sample chains as well? Blew my mind when I first discovered it

Found these forums insightful:

And the latest version of “Octachainer” by Abhoth absolute lifesaver:

great thanks for the links Kazoku

well now a last question…

I notice that all the sample chain examples I found are “one shot”

would this work also with loops? so I could make sub bass loops and route this thru one mono output in both the AR and OT?

looping samp chains should work, but you need to set both samp start and end to the looped slice every time you change the slice, as the AR has no “samp lenght” param like the OT has.

Unsure if you’d get perfect, click-free loops this way tho, as I’ve never tried it myself…