hey everyone, longtime lurker here, i decided to make an account finally because i keep running into issues that i cant find answers for on this or other forums, possibly because the vagueness of words like track and sound.
Is it possible to load different sounds to individual steps within one track? For instance if i wanted to have a snare sound and a kick sound on one track without having to make the sounds with parameter locks.
Just hold the step and scroll through saved patches using the knob left of the display.
Sounds will not be written into the track as parameters though, like the main track sound and parameter locks. So if you ever make changes to the saved preset, it will affect all patterns where it is used as a sound lock.
place a trig and hold it pressed, then turn the level knob. In the display you can see the sound from the A4 bank and you can make your choice. I think you can assign as many different sounds as there are trigs.
Ive had the a4 for 2 months and im still getting accustomed to different features but these two were something that i could see being an amazing addition to the capabilities of this lovely machine.
The reason it pays not to lurk and to ask question and contribute answers is that you’ll learn more about the machine. There are incredible undocumented tips and undocumented features to be found all over this and the previous forum. I think when you get to a point where you understand just how powerful this machine is, you then realise that it’d be pretty darn difficult to make the ideal manual. This forum is the appendix, and for the most part it’s very helpful and goodwilled
The thing to keep in mind with soundlocks is that the pattern stores references to the 128 sounds in the pool. It’s probably necessary then to save not only the pattern and kit, but also a snapshot of your pool (or parts of) if you want to go back to a project in the future. Luckily C6 makes this fairly easy and the files are small enough if you’re organised
I hope we get a means to dump all the relevant parts of a song/pattern in one go in the future
collecting all the sound-locks used in your patterns is near impossible. if you want to swap/delete/reorder sounds in your soundpool & some are used as sound-locks, maybe by several patterns, you’re basically screwed. no way to find out which pattern is using which sounds, other than going through all patterns, track by track, checking each step that has a blinking trig, and writing down the sound-lock if it has one… then make your changes to the soundpool, write down what you’re doing, then go through each pattern again and change the relevant locks, track by track, step by step.
i guess it would take some kind of alien technology to do that for ya