
Yea I don’t know. That’s why I suggested letting the MPC handle all the sequencing because it will allow for a cleaner work flow in a live situation.

That makes sense. The MPC 2500 is the brain of my set up, IMO it has a really nice workflow especially when it comes to playing tracks live.

You mentioned just recording Digitone midi with the MPC, is it possible to still use plocks?

If not, another idea would be to also sample the Digitone into the MPC. For example maybe start with both clocked…using their own sequencers. Once you have a good track base, sample the Digitone parts that use plocks into the MPC. It’s super fast to sample melodies, basslines, ect & drop them into the sequence.

That way you can still take advantage of the Digitone sequencer features the MPC doesn’t have.

Deleted - wrong thread.

Yea I totally miss that. He’ll have to copy all tracks to the midi sequencer on the Digitone then map out the cc data. That’s a lot work!!!


This all great advice… if I switch program changes manual… the change is almost instant and works as it should:)

it’s when you have the changes automatically that it doesn’t work correctly… a foot switch will work. I have a pod HD 500 effects board it has midi out. wonder if I could use that.

I have a 2500 and OT. 2500 is master clock and transport, I use a midi merger on the outs of the 2500 and OT before sending MIDI downstream. So I can use the 2500 or the OT to sequence exclusively or a mixture of the two.
Most commonly I’m using the OT to sequence everything (techno) and the MPC for drum fills. There’s a world of options to explore though!