Mozaic iOS as OT scenes midi rerouter

I’ve never had a computer programming lesson in my life and am complete novice. But, I got Mozaic iOS in the BF sale with the aim of scripting a midi processor for OT scenes. Just wandering if any OT users here are using Mozaic for processing midi from the OT. I posted a request for assistance on the Audiobus forum. Any tips here or in the Audiobus Mozaic thread would be great.

what’s the target for the shifted midi data? will it go back to the OT?

For now, just ios synths and effects in AUM

I don’t understand what do you want to do with scenes CC (55/56)?
Mapping crossfader CC48 to other CCs is obvious, but you want to set it differently depending on scenes?

Many thanks @sezare56

E.g. I’ve got the morph control on a synth set to receive on CC#22

I want to remap values 0-15 received from CC# 55 and 56 to a defined set of 16 values between 0-127 to send on #22. In the script I need to retain the last two remapped values selected (from Scene Sel A and B ) and transition between them with CC#48.

As I’m sure you can, see the aim is to replicate scenes for a couple of CC destinations with smooth transitions between up to 16 values.

IIRC you have, or had, the Midi Solutions Processor +. I downloaded the software programmer to check it out and it’s very neat! But I’m not certain it’s possible to do the above. I didn’t see a way of assigning variable values for the target CC,

I’m interested in, but I still don’t get how do you want to proceed.
You want to map CC48 to CC22, and set min / max values with scenes A/B?

For something flexible I think a midi learn script is better.

I still have the EPP, RK002, MIDIPAL…

I made something related, but kind of opposite : I mapped crossfader’s CC48 to scenes changes.
Bad quality example, but it gives an idea : you can see scenes change depending on crossfader at the beginning and at 1mn. Huge possibilities.

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Exactly! You’re concise description of what I’m trying to do makes me reassess how to (attempting to) write the Mozaic script!

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16 values per scene. 16*8=128
Can you multiply by 8 with Mozaic?

The problem is that with your script idea it’s hard to use scenes on the OT.

I’d rather use 2 specific CCs to set min/max, and send them with midi tracks.
@Skypainter! EDITED! :smile:

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Will have to check.

With what I’m working on, I’m wanting to set/adapt/tune synth modulation changes according to what’s going on in the audio scenes. Sometimes modulation changes on a CC in, say, only 5 of the scenes. Using two midi tracks, as I understand, gives only two scenes per pattern and no way to disengage on certain scenes.

Thanks to you I’m rethinking how to attempt the Mozaic script: Use CCs 55 + 56 values 0-15 to select 8 min and 8 max values [from an assigned/scripted array]; and see if it’s possible to use inversion, or ignore min, if max = less than min.