Moving Projects to different Banks

Hello fellow Elektronauts!

I’m setting the Octatrack for a live set, and I would like to move different projects/songs to different banks so I can easily switch from a song to another. All my projects/songs are within the same set.
I have checked the similar topic here on the forum, but didn’t work for me to copy/paste the pattern from one project to a different bank/new project. If I do that, and load the sample, all the settings aren’t the same and therefore it doesn’t sound the same at all! The pattern is there (meaning the trigs patterns of the sequencer). But all the settings for each trig seem just not to be there! Is there a way to copy the pattern with exactly all trig settings/conditions?
Is there something I’m doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!

Ps. By now I understood that the best way to do this (next time I work on a new song of the same live set) is to start a new song from the same project, but open a new bank!

You also have to copy part, and the samples have to be on the same slots, or reassigned.

That’s what I do.
You can also use patterns with a different part for a new song.

Yes, that’s what I did: sample are on the same slot, otherwise the pattern wouldn’t obvously work. But I didn’t us any part. So I haven’t copied parts as well.

Yes, that’s what I’ll have to do when I start working on a new song. But now I have to fix what I have done so far :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

You did. :content:
By default, each pattern uses part 1 of active bank.
So you also have to copy modified parts.


You might wanna understand a bit more the structure of the OT before copy/pasting all around.
The pattern stores only the rythmic/sequence info, the Part stores the machines used, the FX, scenes.

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Thank you very much for your reply! That helps!
But it still doens’t work.
What I did is: copy/past pattern - Copy/paste part - upload the sample into the exact corresponding track.
I’ve tried also with different projects. The problem stays same.
What I have noticed is that on the new copied bank (project/track) the slice grid isn’t there! the sample slice grid hasn’t been copied at all! that was cause the issue! So, how can I make sure that also the slice grid is copied exactly the same? :wink:

Hei! thank you for your help! That make sense. I’m aware of what a pattern stores (I did write it as well in the post;) I just wasn’t aware that part1 is there by default.
But still doens’t work.
The question now is… what in the OT structure stores the slice grid of the sample? Those settings seem not to be copied along with capy/past pattern + part… :neutral_face:

Normal if you didn’t save sample settings. Save them before uploading samples.
(You can also save sample settings in original project, and reload the sample in the new project, it will also load sample setting).

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Allow yourself to use the search function of this forum and allow me to quote myself: OT Banks transfer: I’m an happy idiot

All you have to do is detailed there.

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YEEEEEEEEEEESS! That was it! thanks a lot!

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It very well written mate! That’s exaclty what I wanted to do and thank to you guys I did! Thank you so much!!
Well, perhaps we should open an happy idiots club! :rofl:

I wonder if I’m a bad user manual reader (generally I really love the well written ones!! like Moog for instance) or simply the Elektron manual could be written more clearly and less cryptic that sometimes it feels is easier to interpret old Egyption tombs writings…
(PS. Also this function on the A4 works a bit easier)

I’m extremely happy of how precious and useful this forum is, without you guys I would have been with long white beard and hair within a week or so.
Thanks a lot!

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