How would that work with the Octatrack?
Are effect types P-Lockable?
Not parameters, but types, like P-Lock a delay on one step and a reverb one another?
Fx are per part.
I don’t want to be THAT person, but, you will be missing a lot if you compare them. The OT just like the Akai MPC1000 does nothing unless you add things, right? Like most samplers, give me a sample and I work. And maschine has PLUGINS!!
Now, if you use a lot of the slicing and recording functions on the Maschine, you won’t miss a lot! They are not similar, but the OT is a good audio editor, you just have to get used to the idea that FLEX MACHINES are the ones to do that.
Other than that, the OT can do synthesis if you put your head around it with Karplus Strong or One Single Cycle techniques among others.
That means that you can use it as a drum machine if you know how to program or soudn design drums with Filters and FX’s.
So, like a lot of people have said what you might be missing I can tell you, I have maschine and the Lock function is kinda the Scenes function in the OT . Parts are a little more deep.
Elekktrik said a lot of good things, but since I would tell you, they are different instruments, you know? You don’t approach a cello like you approach the contrabass. I do all types of music in both machines and I work differently with them.
Big regards !
I don’t really plan on getting rid of Maschine.
Maybe I’ll rephrase my question again:
What would I gain by having both? I’m trying to do more OTB, even if it’s not 100% OTB, that’s originally what I was getting at, comparing them.
Your Maschine will feel lonely. Using the the OT to sample the Maschine will make your Octatrack very happy. You will gain nothing. It’s about the machines in the end. You might not even like the OT, at which point you will sell it to another person, who will not understand it, and sell it without learning anything about it. At some point, I will be in the market for a second OT, and I will buy it.
OT for live sets, if you play at a club. Performance bonus , and you can make your maschine as a midi controller for your OT if you like to bada bing your way in a performance, either for triggering tracks or mutes or what ever. Just use the midi controller editor for the maschine. Well…I have maschine mkIII so, maybe you have anothar.
Same trigger x8 track samples sequentially each time you press a midi key, check out Dave Mechs YouTube on it
Got a link? Can’t see anything on his YouTube channel… but I am a numpty.
Edit: Are you talking about just triggering all eight tracks simultaneously?
id play the OT with Maschine. I LOVE LOVE LOVE its pads. miss mine.
wowza, I hadn’t thought of that.
You might have just sold me.
Do you use this combo in that scenario?
I just ordered an OT MKii. Found a great deal on an open box unit.
I really appreciate this forum. I’m sure I’ll be back soon with a million questions.
Heheh, I should be working there :3 hehe
congrats. Maybe I can do a video about this.
That would be dope
I have a Maschine and an OT, both MK2
Maschine has less limitations, so you could just find yourself stuck for a good amount of time just scrolling through samples and presets. It’s good at generating ideas and throwing more and more layers and groups at the top of it.
OT feels much more creative - you HAVE to dive into your palette (samples and FX) and play with them different ways and that leads to some original results
Well, I’ve spent a week with the Octatrack.
After all the research, videos, the manual, I don’t really find it as difficult to use as people make it out to be. Clearly it’s very powerful and you could spend years learning all the tricks, but I’ve pretty much got it working in a manner that I could start using it. For me, right now, I’ve got it set up kind of like a big Digitakt rolling with some stereo samples. It’s cool. I could see how it could be exciting to perform with, the scenes/crossfader is really neat.
However. I’m not going to keep it.
Having it here in the studio trying to fit into my workflow has actually had the weird effect of teaching me more about Maschine. I’ve learned you can P-Lock (basically) on Maschine with some minor differences. Also, since I already have DT and A4, I can use the Elektron sequencer on my hardware. And the DT is much more immediate for making beats that I can just drop into Maschine. And the lack of overbridge on the OT is kind of bummer. Lot’s of labor just to dump tracks into a DAW.
So, long story short, this is not a criticism on the OT. It’s an excellent tool and I can see why people like it for live performance. If I ever have another project that required something like this live, I would totally revisit it.
As it stands, I guess I just needed to know what I was missing out on, and it turns out, not much at the moment. So, alls well that ends well, I’m glad I got to try it out!
Totally agree, I have it for 2 weeks and I carefully read the manual et did things I learnt in same time and yeah it’s really not difficult to use. Everything is logical.
I thought I know Octatrack until I find this topic
I sold my octatrack mk2 too fund a maschine +. I miss the octatrack and planning ahead to buy it again. Not to get rid of the maschine but for the immediate control over incoming audio and sequencer/p-locks.
What i missed in the octatrack was just throw in samples without thinking about a limitation. Chopping samples up and apply a lot off effects per chop. Therefore the maschine is perfect.
They have two different purposes in my book and work good together i can see now.
Only thing i’m missing in the maschine plus (in maschine controller mode this works perfect) is to control scenes from maschine+ with program changes from the elektron machines. So i want to have my Rytm as the brain of my setup. Changing patterns on the Rytm doesn’t change scenes on the maschine+ (yet). The other way around that works perfect… changing scenes in maschine changes patterns in all elektron machines. So if you want to use maschine as your brain in your setup is perfect in my opinion.
I will own them both at one time