Moog Subharmonicon

No. The Analog Four does not have a Gate input.


I was thinking about this. And yes soundwise they are different. But the mathematical aspect? FM also works with Division of frequencies. With clever LFO, envelope- and Sequencer settings it could be theoretically possible to get SH-like results. Hmmm have to explore this.

If I want to modulate the Cutoff of the SubH with an A4 LFO via CV Outputs A-D, what would be the correct Settings (in the A4) and what would be the right cable to use? Thanks.

Do I use Value Lin, Gate or Trig?

1/4 TS to TRS 1/8?

Use value lin. The cable you need is a 1/4 “ ts to 1/8” ts If you have a A4 mk 2 I think, if you have the mk 1 the easiest thing is to get the Elektron Cv/audio split cable set. Oh also set the voltages to +5v max -5v min (I think that is the default, but I can’t remember for sure)


Connect a 1/4" TS-to-3.5 mm TS cable from one of the AF MkII’s CV/Gate outputs to the SH’s Cutoff input.

The settings for the AF are given in the Setup Example “Analog Four MkII control of an external analog synthesizer” in the AF’s manual. In the example, the CV track sends signals from the CV D output to control the filter cutoff of the external synth.

On the CV track, set up an LFO to have its destination as “VAL”.


Realise I really miss the tones of the subharmonicon now.

Complete noob to synths. What could I get to get that sound, but without the sequencer it uses? Then Cv or midi sequenced by external gear

Mother 32 maybe?

Thanks. Will check the M32 out.

Has the Subharmonicon has any firmware updates yet?

No, I don’t think so.

A M32 has a Moogy tone like the Subharmonicon thanks to its oscs and filter, but I don’t think it’s that easy to get the subharmonic synthesis part so you won’t be able to generate the same sounds as a SubH. Loopop has a video where he uses a Make Noise Maths module to create subharmonics (together with a DFAM):

But you can sequence the Subharmonicon without using its internal sequencers, possibly most easily through CV but also through MIDI. Of course, that kind of takes away some of what makes a SubH an SubH and means paying for stuff you don’t need…


I’ve got both a M-32 & a Sub-H. They sound pretty different. Apparently the Sub-H uses something closer to a Voyager filter ( it does remind me of the Voyager I used to own ) whereas the M-32 is a lot more ballsy & raw sounding : it’s my all time favourite Moog filter sound.
But yeah obviously they’ve both got that Moog DNA running through them.

The Sub-H is just a genius synth though. I absolutely adore mine. Just used alone, or sequencing other things too… I actually love to transpose the Sub-H sequences by using a simple Eurorack sequencer to get more complex harmonic changes.
It’s a brilliant little unit.


Or maybe throw in a simple Korg SQ-1? Or an A4 cv track?

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yep - that’d do it.

The patching - both in & out of the Sub-H to interact with both note & timing values of the instrument is absolutely first class - it really shines being patched with other gear.


I’ve been on the fence as regards the SubH but it is an interesting device and there’ve been a couple for sale locally recently so I’m probably going to give it a try at some point.

So I’ve got a question. Can you people point out (Youtube) examples where the SubH is used in a more song-like context? Meaning as part of an arrangement, not as a solo instrument. I mean, Youtube is filled with videos of the SubH basically running its polyrhythmic arpeggios/sequences through lush reverbs, maybe with some simple beats coming from a DFAM or Digitakt. I’m thinking if the SubH is too dominant to throw into one of my songs… Also made the mistake with the M32 by listening to a lot of solo demos and falling for the (lush reverb) sound even if I wasn’t going to use it in a similar context.

Some of @jayhosking’s tracks earlier in this thread are good examples of that (for example this one, there are probably others on his YouTube channel too). That said, I find I have to think quite carefully what I want to do if I want to use other instruments and use the ET quantize, and even then the subs can feel like they’re out of scale. The SubH (for me) is most fun and immediate in the JI quantize, but that is much harder to make work with other instruments. It’s quirky!


This is exactly what ”worries” me.

Thanks for reminding me of Jay Hosking’s tracks, have to check them out again.

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SubH is fantastic! I just wish that the tiny knobs of the Pitch section (Steps) would have been more precise with a middle point (a click at 0).


So, technically, I could send SubH Sequences to any Modular synth and use the sound of that synth instead of the SubH (or both)? I can also program a 4-step sequence in that synth (like on the SubH)?

My main question is where do I send (patch) the SubH sequence(s) on the other synth to trig the sound? In the Osc CV? Is there other terms?

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Did you happen to see this Ricky Tinez video. Interesting what he’s doing with the quantizer. I am really not knowledgeable about modular synths, but I wonder if something like that could be used to stabilize the SubH?

Not sure what you mean by “stabilize”. the SubH already has a quantizer (for equal temperament and just intonation tunings, with the option of 8 note major scale or 12 note chromatic). What more would you like to see? More scale options?

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On the receiving synth the input might for pitch might be labelled “1V/Oct”. (I have only used the SubH sequencers to send clock, not pitch so interested to know how you get on!)

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