Moog Slim Phatty and the OT

Anybody else using this combination experiencing horrible sticky midi notes on the Slim when routing midi to it with the OT? I have to leave my s phatty on the midi setup “all notes off” menu option so I can just quickly hit the enter button to kill the stuck notes because it happens so frequently.

I don’t seem to have this problem driving the S Phatty from Logic or Live, just when the OT is driving. Anybody else seeing this?

Also, anybody using a Sub Phatty with their OT? I’ve been seriously thinking about making the switch.

Yeah I’ve had this quite a lot with the OT driving the SP, no problems at all with the Cirklon though.
Would like to A/B the Slim & the Sub. Slim gets quite a bit of critism but I’ve heard them live thru a decent rig & they sound awesome!!!

I run my SP into an avalon U5. Sounds excellent. It’s hard not to use it for bass. The sub has some features that I’d really like to have. The OSC beat freq parameter is a big one for me.

Here is a great review on it.

Here’s a great review & also a challenge for the new forum, can it cope?
Obviously I encourage you to purchase your own subscription to sound on sound & must stress that I’m heavily inebriated at this point & therefore am not responsible for the blatant abuse of copyrighted material! In fact it wasn’t me, it was the stranger over there, whom I’ve never seen before & am unlikely to see again, officer :slight_smile:

…properly recorded this would make a good vocal sample :wink:

I had stuck notes while sequencing my Slim Phatty from the OT until I upgraded the firmware to v3.1 672. I guess there’s a v3.12 680 now but I’m not going to upgrade since it works now. Maybe try a different firmware?

I’m on 3.12 680 unfortunately.

The slim and stage 2 have a separate processor for handling midi. There is a firmware to send that processor that is different than the OS. They call it the “USB firmware.” On the stage 2 and slim the 2nd processor handles all midi, both USB and DIN. Even though, the name might suggest otherwise. The tribute and stage 1 process midi with the same processor as the sound engine. From the moog board, posted by Amos (moog’s OS programmer),

"but first, here’s the USB firmware sysex file for Little Phatty:

and here’s the USB firmware sysex for Slim Phatty:

try sending that file via USB to the Phatty… it might fix the problem.
seems to work better from a PC than from a Mac, in my experience so far."

had the same problem. firmware v3.12 680. never used usb.
had the same “solution” - midi setup preselected to all notes off.
don´t know what happened but the problem just disappeared.
i didn´t change anything.

i had a lot of problems with different moog stuff unfortunatley, but the support
by andy hughes was really excellent … surprisingly excellent, really !