Monomachine vs Octatrack vs Digitone

I think it is worth noting the parameter slide feature found on MnM which turns up the parameter locking / sequencer as a sound design tools by a huge amount. A4 also has the parameter glide function, you can end up with absolutely insane sounds parameter gliding different parameters between sounds. If you crank up tempo and sample it you can use it for absolutely nuts percussive sound design.

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I have a monomachine. I like it more than digitone. The best elektron machines imo are from that era, just more flexible, but somewhat harder to use. If you have an Octatrack, any elektron synth will be fun.

I wish I could like it’s sound. :frowning:

I really wish more people felt the same way. Used to be that way. Now, the secret is out.

My lust for it has come & gone. As a traditional subtractive synth lover, the MnM would get more love from someone else.
The price of them will go down again I’m sure.

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I wouldn’t say the DN is all math. Elektron has simplified the basics in FM design but still lets you go deep in detail as well which I love (eyeing the EssenceFM synth). But the sound design may distract you from actually composing which should be the end result. DN is my currently favourite synth. A sign when you own two. :grinning:

The choice of sound engines with exploratory power, flexible sequencer mod., and CTRL All functionality is what makes it fun as you point out. I just rediscovered this through Cycles that arrives today which reminds me of the MD.

I hope the next Elektron is a big Digi box with these features + assignable macro knobs in performance mode since I prefer digital over analog for its flexibility and sound.


Did not mean math in a bad way at all. I didn’t really say that well. I meant, I would imagine that the FM on the DN is super detailed. Loads of control, and can be tuned to specification. On the MnM FM machines, I kind of get what I’m doing, and what freq is doing to each freq, but it’s all mostly turning the knobs until it sounds the way I want. On the DN I’m sure you have way more control. I would love to try one out at some point. Must be cool. The closest I’ve come to owning an FM synth is the CZ-101 15 years ago, and it was also a “lets see what this slider does” experiance. Loved the sound of that one.

Yep. I would love a new digital synth from Elektron. That would be amazing.

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I gave up hunting for a MM due to crazy pricings and bought a DN. Awesome and deep machine.
Unfortunately I never had the chance to compare it to a MM…

Excellent built quality with super crisp display, great buttons, modern sequencer capabilities such as conditional trigs, beautiful effects …
For sure DN is one of my best buys in 2021!

Maybe you give it a try. In the end no risk as you can return it for 30 days (policy of most music stores). As you already own a DT: DN and DT should be an awesome combo!


yep, brilliant combo :point_up_2: