Monomachine Thru machine

Have sound coming through a thru machine on track one. Grand.

However when i go to another track and twist some knobs its affecting the sound coming in even though Im on a different track? Is that normal?

neighboring tracks?

check the outputs/inputs of your tracks (function+edit).

Do you mean EDIT in the KIT menu?
(just asking because I believe FUNCT+EDIT opens the GLOBAL menu, since EDIT is a sub option in KIT menu)

yurp, kit edit menu that is. sounds like a track is neighboring another.

hmm where is the kit menu? tks

you just mean where you are choosing the machine for the tracks? As regards the thru track in Input, INP A is selected as its a mono signal coming in.

yes but depends where it goes not what it receives – check also the machine for the other track that tweaks also your input signal coming in THRU track

everything is going to BUS - AB

what kind of machine is loaded to the track that is changing the value also on the sound coming in the THRU machine?

the other tracks are fm machines, sid, ens

mmmh…can you please expand a bit on this KIT setup where you find the strange behavior?

for instance if I change the filter highpass cutoff on one of the other tracks that is not the thru machine, i can hear it affecting the incoming signal

I couldn’t figure it out…can you send the sysex of the kit? So we can try on our machine?

id like to try to help, can you list what mahines you have on each track and their individual routing.