Recently joined the Elektron world with the purchase of a 2nd hand Monomachine (no +Drive - I’m hoping I can live without it).
Looking forward to getting stuck into this beast. One of the reasons I got the Mono was the ability to load user waveforms (in particular the Monomachine Superpoly vid on YouTube). I’ve downloaded the Adventure Kid waveforms - +Drive would’ve been handy here but I’m thinking a bit of limitation might force me to be selective.
I’m also trying to get hold of the waveforms used in the SuperPoly vid (esp the Jupiter ones). Someone uploaded them to the old forum but access is restricted and you can no longer register. If anyone could post a new link to the files on here it would be much appreciated. Couldn’t find them but perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place…?
Tried to upload the SuperPoly-Syx files you posted, but Monomachine still “waiting for syx” without receiving anything. Am I missing something?
Thank you,
Hey guys - glad to see you are digging into this. It’s like a whole other world to the Monomachine that very few people have explored. The sounds often come out quite a bit different due to the filtering/aliasing that happens. I happen to like it a lot more than the usual Mono sounds as what happens is a lot of the piercing harmonics seem to get shaved off.
Holci - have you checked your MIDI connections? If you can receive “regular” waves, you should be able to receive these ones.
The Monomachine can only upload waveforms that have been converted to its SysEx format. The C6 software can do this if you have .wav or .aiff samples that you want to upload. The three SysEx files that you describe have been prepared to be ready to send to the Monomachine.
Check the section in the Monomachine manual about the DIGIPRO MANAGER menu.
I don’t know why, I thought I HAD to push the “digipro” button in C6.
But I manage to load the sysex files directly into the digipro manager (thx PeterHanes) I still have to figure out why the waveform are put on awkward positions, but I guess it’s something within the sysex.
I have very quickly looked into this sysex stuff to see how I could mess things up. I found some hexadecimal code and it reminded me how assembly could give me some spots ^^ So I fled like a coward…
edit : ORG was the parameter to avoid to specify the position I wanted. Get it.
Now I still have to try to create some chords waveform from what I understood from your explanations, @Veets
It seems I have to tackle the fact that the 5th waveform will not be at zero when the waveform ends.
Now I guess one can double the waveform to get it, but I have to see if this works.
Hi Lying Dalai. The Digipro button should already be clicked if you have the SYX file. So that’s all set.
If I am following you correctly, you can make your own wave have no clicks as follows.
Grab three cycles of the fifth and two cycles of the root and render them together to merge them. Then your custom wave will have a fifth and no clicks if you have chosen the fifth’s frequency exactly.
I like to keep it simple so I use 200 hz for the root and 300 hz.for the fifth, or something like that. Let me know if I did not understand you correctly.
Yes Veets, this is what I meant, I have to come up with this but had not enough time for it this evening…
I managed to create such chord of waveform in Live (from some Adventure Kid waveform, 1st/5th/8th) but I couldn’t get a way to export the few milliseconds I needed.
I don’t know Audacity enough to get what I want. guess I’ll have to try it tomorrow with a rested mind
Which tool would you guys advise me for creating such 3 tracks waveforms simply ?
Hey, thanks. Is this all/mostly monomachine? I’ve been trying to find examples of capabilities online and people usually gravitate toward drum sequences on youtube. I’m really interested in the pad capabilities and this track seems to cover it. Elektron has me hating the menus in my Blofeld right now, and I crave the ability to use Elektron step sequencer with a capable synth. Also, any ideas why they call it mono? it looks like you can do a 3 note chord on every machine, or maybe i’m seeing this wrong in the manual.
If by “this” you mean this thread then the specific procedures here relate to the Monomachine.
If you’re interested in any Elektron instrument, it’s worth reading the applicable manual first to get an idea of what it was designed to do. Some people get a shock when an Elektron instrument doesn’t follow the paradigms of other manufacturers. For the MM, read page 2 “The philosophy of the Monomachine” for what it was conceived to do.
The MM can do an amazing variety of things, but its sequencer and synthesis are primarily oriented towards monophonic tracks. The additional features are entirely usable but carry some limitations in functionality and/or UI fiddliness like:
[li]POLY mode (MM becomes monotimbral),[/li]
[li]chords in the MIDI sequencer (notes in chord must have same start and length), and [/li]
[li]Ensemble machines (chords have to be programmed or locked individually).[/li]
@joshailes no you’re right, you can make chord but it’s paraphonic then.
You can engage the Poly mode, but the Monomachine is really conceived as 6 digital monomachines.
I have tons of fun with it. You have to love the sound of it, though.