Hey, I just bought a 2nd hand Mono MKI. It had just one owner before me, he bought it new unopened after being long time in stock, and sold it to me 2 months after.
The first time I switched it on in my studio the screen went blank after a while. This happened a couple more times. What can it be?
If it was bought new two months ago, it should still be in warranty. Make sure it is registered properly, then contact Electron support to get it fixed.
that sucks.
sounds very much like your man dumped a faulty unit on you…
or, has it been working for a while before showing signs?
its unfortunate for sure. that guy must be taking the piss
definitely find out where it was purchased and hook up a warranty repair, or ask for a refund. obvious solutions but thats the score afaik
good luck
After a while I realized I was using it with bare feet, and the electrical installation of my old apartament is not so good. The static made the screen go blank. I have been using it ever since I first posted this with my shoes on and not a problem. Very happy with the MnM!