I have had a quick look through the manual and a search here, but can’t see if it is possible to have patterns or individual tracks transposed via midi while playing.
Can anyone shed any light on this please?
I have had a quick look through the manual and a search here, but can’t see if it is possible to have patterns or individual tracks transposed via midi while playing.
Can anyone shed any light on this please?
To transpose when playing the best is the multimode. You need another gear to send the midi message . Take your OT or MD to do that. Very powerfull and creative mode. Lot of fun garanty.
otherwise must do it manual, live method, but possible error when using the knob.
OK, thanks for that.Not used multimode yet.
I am struggling to get in to the Monomachine but am really trying to like it before I decide to replace it.
Dob’t replace it… you won’t replace it cause it’s unique. So you will certainly buy a new synth, but you find another one like that…
dig it, you’ll love it.
The MnM was the first Elektron box I got and the workflow just clicked, the MD soon followed.
However since getting the A4 and OT they are getting neglected.
Ok, ok, that’s for the moment. Put your MD & MNM in their box and let time goes on. I’m shure you’ll want to use’m in future. If you don’t need to sell. Don’t do.