Monomachine Packs and Sysex

So I’m getting out the sample pack game to try something new, all my Monomachine Packs and Sysex are now 50% off for good, thanks for all the support guys (PS if you’re short on cash PM me and i’ll send you on for free samples)

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest (especially Jimmy Edgar and some of my favorite artist Ramzoid, Seiho, Sober Rob FKI1st and those who have already purchased. :slight_smile:

You’re amazing. Can’t wait to hear everything you make with this. (Limited numbers on the pack so grab while it’s hot).

And I hope you stick around for the next chapter ;0


Is this a sample pack? If so what does it contain ? Is it clean unaffected stock sounds?
Im interested but would want more info as im trying to do a Monomachine project on the Octatrack…cheers Rob

they’re all direct from the monomachine but definitely not the stock synth sounds that are in the elektron factory patches if that’s what you’re looking for. Theyve got sysex files included with some if not all of the packs too