Monomachine Love Thread

Wow… I’m currently borrowing my MnM to a friend. Have to tell her to be twice as careful as I initially told her. :rofl:

Wild. MNM > BTC


You mean like what Elektron has gone with the model and digi boxes?

kinda. a more poignant example would be behringer and their products that are not designed to be serviced. korg too I think. their new stuff is so flimsy.

PHEW! I’m amazed, just tried to rebuilt a dual osc’ mono synth with the MNM, this thing is bonkers! Just realised that I can grab individual BUS out’s instead of my occupied inputs. A really fat a dual osc’ SID PULS controlled by a single FX-machine is going crazy in there. Almost like a Moog Sirin, in digital, with 9 LFO’s and a BI-Polar Filter ^^


We’re gonna need a recording of that :slight_smile:

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I’ve been enjoying this guy’s experiments with a Monomachine.


Just thought about this, I have an RK-002 lying around… this thing has PolyMUX, I think it should be possible to configurate the firmware to access the desired amount of MIDI-Channels
don’t know if I’m skilled enough to perform this task though ^^

I have a max-patch somewhere, you just need a flexible midi distributor that rotates channels in a configurable way. But loving the MnM the most as a closed eco-system makes me wish you could do this on the MnM itself, and just have a “poly-pool” to add or take out channels, pref locking the channels to one so editing one channel edits all so its truly poly, also in patch.


sort of like neighbor tracks, but a poly neighbor adding a voice.

I remember trying to explain this to mr Troberg once and his reply was (on point as ever) “you do realize it’s called a MONO machine right?”


I can’t believe I just got shouted out on the Elektronauts forum omg mattp thank you so much and I’m glad ur enjoying my stuff! Gotta make some longer jams and eventually songs soon tho! :wink:

For those who have yet to check out my channel here’s a link! I specialize in abrasive, SOPHIE-like sounds but I’m still relatively blind as to how this fascinating machine works (got mine back in October), which is leading me into all sorts of different sound directions haha


monomachine is tha bomb. fuck digitone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s a bomb on people’s pockets.


Yeah I really like your jams and I really enjoyed the tutorial ones as well. Please keep em coming :slight_smile:

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I have almost completely stopped using my A4 mk2, AR mk2 and even OT after getting the MnM and recently MD. Making music has never been this inspiring and my productivity has gone up to a new level. Also there are no other synths I’m lusting after.

So many special things about MnM and it really sounds like nothing else.
Having key tracking as a mod source is such a cool feature that can be used for pretty unique effects especially in poly mode.


I hear that!

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Honestly? Just MNM as the standalone device - even while having the MD as a super awesome counterpart?

(I am curious how my MnM will impact the prioritization on my Elektron devices).

Just spent my first two hours today on the machine - and am deeply impressed.
Never thought that SID might be interesting for me. I was so wrong …


Oops! I wrote that wrong and meant that the MnM and MD have stolen the show completely. :slight_smile:

woah my TM-1 is red! Had never noticed before.

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Büromaschinen - when I saw those videos, I knew I have to look for the Silver Boxes :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: