Monomachine experimental music

Hey folks,
Anyone making experimental music/beats on the mnm ? Live sets , jams etc
Would love to see these :blush::pray:🫠


Nope, I think everyone here just makes vanilla pop/R and B on the monomachine. Sorry :disappointed:


Speak for yourself, I only make futuristic music


I was being sarcastic :wink:

You got wooshed dude


Only if you like music that was recorded on a potato camera for the audio

Blame the beer :roll_eyes:

As was I. Sorry, was a meme from another thread where someone said the music at the last SonicState open mic night wasn’t futuristic enough for them. :stuck_out_tongue:


I actually tried to write some hip-hop/RNB beats for my friends on Monomachine (without any such experience and understanding, just trying to copy by ear). The results were not great nor terrible… probably not rnb at all…

Isn’t the jist of the mnm to simply record the happy accidents that occur as the machine hits the ground from a gentle vertical drop?

I hear that’s how one really gets it to clang - no programming experience needed for experimental tunes I say.

No need to apologise. All good :smiley:


I like that japanese dude who arranges pop songs on the mnm, that’s pretty experimental if the status quo is happy accidents.


Do you have a link that sounds pretty cool

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Sure, he disabled offsite youtube links at some point so you have to visit his actual youtube homepage, but this is probably the best one. I don’t know if there’s any recent content though.

うちやま - YouTube

And looking now, the content is all old, so now I feel old, very old, but it’s still worth a gander.


One pattern, one take.
And I was still a noob at MM. Somehow still feels like I am, I’ve seen it pushed way further by friends of mine!
Such an incredible instrument.


and you picked this image for the cover which will now prevent me from getting any sleep for the next 3 days.

Will have a blast on my MM this weekend as the wife and kids are away so I get 48hrs to cram in some quality play time!! Even wired it up for 6 Mono - love the fact I can switch between 6 tracks and stereo with a snapshot

I like to have a quality Reverb on A/B and a distorsion on C/D.

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If you have a kitchen, you have a monomachine.

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