Monomachine Custom OSes

I was thinking, since the MnM is using 100% of its memory and cannot be expanded, wouldn’t it be cool if Elektron made a bunch of alternate OSes so that we can pick and choose what we want? For example, I’d consider dumping the SID synth for some new extra awesome features… Imagine if we could pick from 4 or 5 different OSes :slight_smile: That’d be a lot of work, but… but…

Or a memory upgrade plus new OS - hmm…

Better yet, wonder if there could be a bootflag where you only load certain pieces of the OS…semi-modular Monomachine anyone?

Interesting idea…
but i rather kill the voice-synth thing instead of the sid-chip emulation…

if its practical in reality… I do not know… and frankly… i dont care that much.
I foresee long discusions who wants what out and all that…

but strictly as an entertaining thought… Yeah… I am a bit curious, if we could get more goodies if we dumped the unwanted code… Probably yes… but I am sorry for the poor chap that has to make “the actual cut”… bound to be people that thinks he will make the wrong decision.

May I offer another bit of food for thought… What if the +drive owners could store a few firmwares in a slot or 2… (so you sacrifice 2 +driveslots for 1 firmware)
choose the “combined slot” and load up 1 of the alternative stripped firmwares with the new goodies.

(and yes i am shooting myself in the foot… I got no +drive on my monomachine)

Oh yeah. I would trade VO+ synthesis for the Analog Four’s reverb.

Hey guys, i would really find these things very cool. I think you have good ideas, try to be hired by Elektron :wink:

In fact, yesterday i was playing with my mono, and i suddenly remember the multi fonction. I had a good music night jaming with it. What a nice synth. So sometimes, because we have our habits, we forget to walk on the side of our practice. It was like having a new function… IMHO. Sorry if i write weak comment, but it was just my yesterday experience

Love this forum, nice people to read.

I would trade the VA section for something else. I get better analog sounds from the SID machine.

^Never got much out of VO either. LSDJ is tops for that kind of thing anyway.

^^Yep, there’s always something new to find on the Monomachine :slight_smile:

Nice ideas.

I would definitely give up the VA section for an ability to change the BBox samples through sysex. I have lots of love for the VO though. Very unique and acoustic sounds there.


It would be AMAZING if you could swap out synth machines, and if there was an ever growing collection of new machines being made available. Basically taking the VST concept to the Elektrons.

wouldn’t it be cool if Elektron invited to an open source project around the Mk Is. I think that would add to both the value for the users and the Elektron name.

^ semi-modular would be great, i imagine it a bit like: you download the ‘bits’ (synths/effects) from a repository and then build your own MnM :slight_smile:
something like plugins,but for a piece of hardware

Awesome idea. I’d pay for options like this.

There is that Aleph Bees device. Granted, it’s a lot of programming and menu diving, but for the code writing kind of person, it might be interesting. I believe you can program it to be whatever you want (synth, drum machine, sampler, effect unit), but I really don’t understand how!

“simply put, aleph is a small audio input/output device with a screen, bank of buttons, and series of encoders/knobs. it has the ability to host and run a variety of programs created by both monome and the user based community surrounding. new applications will be developed, documented and shared over time. elaborate mappings can be created without writing code by way of an easy menu driven environment and a thorough preset system.”

i’d probably pay for a sonic charge (makers of permut8, micro tonic, synthplant, bit speak, cyclone) firmware. they even have experience doing hardware dsp stuff. i just think they have a unique take, that’s similar to elektron, but still very different. i’d be curious to see what they could pull off with the monomachine.

Well since I don’t have a MnM yet I would like to see a MKIII hardware refresh :stuck_out_tongue:

(Be gentile)

me too. though i owned a MKI for a long time. i think a MKIII w/seqeuncer like the OT and more synth types and FX would be a winner. more FM, full featured wavetable, percussion modeler for everything from kicks to hats in one model, phase mod oscillator, poly synth model, plucked synth/wave guide model, delay designer, comb filter etc.

would be a winner for me. one output per track.

me too. though i owned a MKI for a long time. i think a MKIII w/seqeuncer like the OT and more synth types and FX would be a winner. more FM, full featured wavetable, percussion modeler for everything from kicks to hats in one model, phase mod oscillator, poly synth model, plucked synth/wave guide model, delay designer, comb filter etc.

would be a winner for me. one output per track. [/quote]
And they could even integrate analog filters (along with digital) :wink:

Razor in a box (Elektron style) would be sweet. Elektron have yet to dabble in additive synthesis.

me too. though i owned a MKI for a long time. i think a MKIII w/seqeuncer like the OT and more synth types and FX would be a winner. more FM, full featured wavetable, percussion modeler for everything from kicks to hats in one model, phase mod oscillator, poly synth model, plucked synth/wave guide model, delay designer, comb filter etc.

would be a winner for me. one output per track. [/quote]
And they could even integrate analog filters (along with digital) ;)[/quote]
but i don’t really care so much if the filters were analog. the MnM filters aren’t bad. so many tonal shaping options and envelope shaping options + p locks makes for an expressive instrument

I’ve been wanting and “predicting” this for some time now - surely someone will come up with a sort of software modular hardware synth where users can program their own modules to share online and such (kind of like they do with the Monome). It’s a gap in the whole synth-nerd business just waiting to be filled.

Would’ve loved it as an alternative on the Mono. :slight_smile: