Model:Samples Tips & Tricks Thread

You are correct! Blank trigs and ‘normal’ trigs with no p-locks are OK as long as there’s no other trig conditions to break the chain. And I like your term ‘Fill Cascades’

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I just accidentally learned that when naming a pattern you can press FUNC + PAD MENU (:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:︎) to backspace/delete the current character. So much faster than selecting blanks one at a time!


I think the details of controlling LFO Modes via velocity must have changed at the 1.13 firmware update or something because I’ve got different modes.

Basic setup

LFO menu

Wav Saw
Mul x8
Dep 6.0 (one octave)

LFO Speed 38

(I chose pitch because it allowed me to clearly hear how much of the cycle was running)

Pad/Vel Menu

VDep 0
DDep 2.0

The experiments

PAD hits Varying FIX on Pad/Vel Menu - WITH RESET OFF on LFO Setup menu

1-31 - free run
32-63 - reset
64-95 - hold
96-127 - one full cycle (start with reset)
OFF - free run

Sequenced Trigs varying Velocity - WITH RESET OFF on LFO Setup menu

0-31 - free run
32-63 - reset
64-95 - hold
96-127 - one full cycle (start with reset)

PAD hits Varying FIX on Pad/Vel Menu - WITH RESET ON on LFO Setup menu

1-31 - reset
32-63 - hold
64-95 - full cycle (start with reset)
96-127 - half cycle (start with reset)
OFF - free run

Sequenced Trigs varying Velocity - WITH RESET ON on LFO setup menu

0-31 - reset
32-63 - hold
64-95 - full cycle (start with reset)
96-127 - half cycle (start with reset)


Tip from elsewhere:

Simple formula for LFO resets wherever you want. With these settings, velocity 100 (default on a trig) allows LFO free run, whereas velocity 127 makes the LFO reset.

Pad menu:

  • DDEP: 0.6
  • VDep: 0 or 127 (see notes)

Note: actually, any velocity from 108-127 will give a reset, but I wanted a process that was easy to remember, so 127 (being the max) seemed a good simplification.

EDIT: VDep: 0 is optional, you MAY want to do this so that the volume is not affected.
HOWEVER, because any velocity from 1-108 is free run, It makes more sense to use VDEP: 127 (or your preferred value) so that you can use velocity to modulate volume AND LFO reset … PROVIDED you can work with a velocity of 108-127 on your reset trig.


Not necessarily a M:S question, but how do I program my drums like in this track? Or how can I achieve this on a MS? Is it a mix of delay + cutoff LFO? It starts around 0:28 and 0:45 with more variations

If I was attempting this on an M:S, I’d probably set the LFO to triangle, kind of slow, and at an odd speed, and target filter cutoff. Then leave the modulation depth at 0ish, but I’d parameter lock it higher on the snares. Those are really nice drum samples too, and the track sounds great overall.


Thanks! I’ll definitely test it out.

It’s one of my favorite tracks, I highly recommend their album ‘Linear S Decoded’ - many beautiful gems to be found

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